alyanah's reviews
122 reviews

A Thousand Miles to Graceland by Kristen Mei Chase

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I enjoyed this sweet story about a mother and daughter embarking on a roadtrip to visit Elvis Presley's Graceland.  The book was really therapeutic, and I enjoyed seeing how Loralynn and Grace (yes, her mother named her after Graceland) were able to reconnect and finally be vulnerable with another. The book did start off a bit slow for me, and there wasn't much build-up or fun Elvis moments before the life-changing news was revealed. However, Loralynn was an absolute hoot, and it did not take long to fall in love with her. This really is a tribute to mother/daughter relationships and how it's not until we get older do we realize the meaning behind the other's actions. 

Thank you to Forever and Grand Central Publishing for my gifted copy in exchange for my honest opinion! 
Lunar Love by Lauren Kung Jessen

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I enjoyed this enemies-to-lovers story that pitted traditional values with modern technology. I loved all the food descriptions, and learning more about Chinese zodiac signs and compatibility. I did get frustrated at times with the main character, Olivia (a horse), and her stubbornness. Especially when the source of this stubbornness was kept mostly vague, and its reveal later in the story fell a bit flat. I loved the banter between her and Bennett (a Rat, the same sign as me!). From the beginning, it's easy to see what the solution is to their company rivalry, but it was still fun watching the characters get there. My favorite character of all, though, was Olivia's Pó Po, the matriarch of the family and the founder of Lunar Love. I loved their relationship, and it was refreshing and heartwarming to see a positive familial relationship in an Asian-American story. 

Thank you to Forever and Grand Central Publishing for my gifted copy in exchange for my honest opinion!