alys055's reviews
90 reviews

The Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan

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I cried harder and laughed more than by any other book before. Would 1000% reccomend to Anyone.
A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness

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This book was good, until the very end. I started reading knowing only what the other reviews here said, that is was basically a Twilight book. After reading it, I agree with that idea. The only problem with this book was the ending, which completely avoided the main conflict of the book.

Now here's the spoiler: nothing happens. The entire book is spent hyping up and getting ready for this giant battle that is supposed to happen, firstly because of Ashmole 782, then switches to being fueled by Diana and Mathew's love for each other, which breaks the ancient covenant made by the Congregation. Great names, by the way. In the last 20 pages of this almost 600 page book, they realize, 'hey, Diana's a witch. She has some cool powers. Oh yeah, one of these powers is the ability to time walk.' So here's my only criticism of the book: they take this time-walking ability and go back to 1590 or something. In the last 20 pages. Instead of fighting the battle. So that really bumbed me out, as I was looking forward to this epic battle between the De Clermonts and the Congregation.

TL;DR: They set up a war and time traveled so they didn't have to fight.