amanda_siegrist's reviews
488 reviews

Rebound Therapy by Jerica MacMillan

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Nice, easy read

A nice, short easy read that kept me entertained. I loved Brian, and I would have loved some of the book from his POV.
Perfect Fling by Carly Phillips

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This story had a good plot line for me to enjoy, but I found the pace just a little too slow for my tastes. But, overall, I enjoyed the storyline. Cole is just a man that you can't help but love. And Erin's determination to make him see the error in his ways just makes you love her as well.
Her Heart for the Asking by Lisa Mondello

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Cute, fun read

I enjoyed this story. There's just something about a cowboy I just love. And I loved Beau! There were a few times I wanted them to say or do something else, but overall I liked this story. And how can I not like Mandy. She has my name:)
Lakeshore Lyrics by Shannyn Leah

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I enjoyed this book. Avery was easy to love. And how can you not love a man willing to throw away his career for the woman he loves. I haven't read any other books within this series, so I was confused sometimes why Cece's brother disappeared for awhile. But I do believe him and Abby (A McAdam) have their own book. I did like Cece. They made a very adorable couple. The book had a great pace and kept me entertained the entire time I read it. Delightful story! The McAdams are a great family.