amandajinut's reviews
1453 reviews

The Dream Hotel by Laila Lalami

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challenging dark sad tense medium-paced


Fundamentally by Nussaibah Younis

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challenging emotional funny hopeful informative fast-paced


Dream State: A Novel by Eric Puchner

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adventurous challenging dark emotional reflective medium-paced


The Lady's Handbook for Her Mysterious Illness by Sarah Ramey

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It’s true that this country needs to fix its food and healthcare systems. The fact that these broken systems contribute greatly to rampant medical issues won’t be solved by deferring to pseudoscience like functional medicine. And vouchers for fresh produce won’t help either when so many wellness influencer demonize various produce and people don’t have the time to prepare meals if they’re not first turned off by influencer lies. 
Why We're Polarized by Ezra Klein

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challenging hopeful informative medium-paced


Little Mysteries by Sara Gran

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challenging dark emotional funny hopeful mysterious reflective medium-paced
