Man I didn’t think it was possible for me to want a book to literally never end! Dom and Shay are the perfect rom com love you could put into a book. There is a great mixture of empowerment especially women empowerment, suspense, love, comedy and growth. This was my first Rachel Lynn Solomon book and I’m so happy I gravitated to this book I literally picked this book based off its cover and this goes to show a cover of a book can actually tell you a lot! I love this book just as much as I love the cover lol!
Dom and Shay are coworkers at a radio station Shay has been with the station for 10 years and Dom is the fresh new talent. They butt heads a lot and that gets them teamed up by their boss for a new radio segment. They are asked to pretend that they are ex’s who were able to stay friends and offer breakup and friendship advice. Little do they know they will fall in love. They get put through the ringer though but in the end she still loved his beanie baby collection 😉
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Book was horribly written the start of the book is just whiny teenagers going on a hike before college. The author took forever to even get to what the story is about. Basically you might as well just watch the hills have eyes because that’s 10x better then this book. The author completely tried to go for the Hills have Eyes plot and failed miserably.
Colleen Hoover just knows how to take your imagination and put you in the book! Verity is a true love meets heartbreak, heartbreak meets terror story in the best ways possible. I literally started this book yesterday and I couldn’t rip myself away from Low and Jeremy that I finished it just now as I type this. I was actually worried that Verity was not going to be given enough space in the book but Colleen put her through out the story even when she wasn’t being specifically mentioned you could feel the suspense in every word.
I don’t think I have ever related so much to a memoir in my life. I typically don’t read memoirs just for the fact that sometimes I lose interest half way through because my mind just can’t find a connection to the author. Christie had me at the first chapter.
I was someone who thought relationships whether it be love or friendship was not a thing in the cards for me. Don’t get me wrong I felt “love” and had friendships but I always felt some type of loneliness. I felt like I was sitting in this GROUP and replayed all the times in my head I felt just like her and probably needed to hear all the things she was shown.
Did I make it? Yes I’m happy, I’m in love and have a family but I never knew it was because part of me was telling myself everything she had to be told.