amypalmer's reviews
83 reviews

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling

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This really exceeded the first book. I loved all of the comedy elements in the book, like Professor Lockhart. I also enjoyed seeing more of general life in the wizarding world by spending more time with Ron's family. I found all of the things that weren't included in the film made the story pull together even better and the character of Ginny is much more involved in this plot.
The Art of Looking Sideways by Alan Fletcher

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In short a good book that is overpriced.

It has a lot in it, it is very big. However I found it a little pointless at first not knowing what really to do with it. Being a Graphic Design Student I was told that this is a must have, however I'd say it's OK. That's it.

It has 72 chapters with a few quotes, images and titles like "Colour," "Noise," "Chance," "Camouflage,".

The images are interesting and quotes can be inspiring however this book is so hard to get a solid reference as some quotes are not fletchers. It is very random and a little overwhelming.

It's a book that I look at and just feel confused, it is too many things that are not explained well enough and very hard to use. Impossible to read, this is a book you flick through and watch.
Mommy Laid An Egg: Or, Where Do Babies Come From? by Babette Cole

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This book is so funny, my mum brought it home from where we work and couldn't stop laughing. Not sure how appropriate it is for children though, but top marks for originality :D
Betrayed by P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast

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I really enjoyed this book when I read it, I was 13. However now if I read it I'm not sure if I would enjoy it as much. It is an interesting concept and things start revealing themselves that are quite important to the plot.

The more traditional approach to a vampire is brought in to this book which adds more action and gore. This book has a lot more bloody scenes from what I can remember and is a lot more.

Both the characters Neferet and Aphrodite are revealed further and expanded beyond the mentor and the bully. Also more magical abilities come foreword. Stevie Rae's character is also developed.

I find the character Loren Blake extremely annoying, I don't like zoey around him and find him false.

Although better than the first I still feel this book is a little dull, however the story does pick up after this book. Quite slow paced at times.
Chosen by P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast

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I really enjoyed this book when I read it, I was 13. However now if I read it I'm not sure if I would enjoy it as much. I lost a lot of respect for Zoey in this book and I saw it coming.


- teaming up with Aphrodite, who is actually a more complex character than Zoe.
- Stevie Rae
Spoilerafter becoming a bad vampire she has to control her thirst and hide away from the school


- Zoe's "relationships", as we know already she is with three guys, this is obviously a disaster in the making.
Spoilerhaving sex with Loren, Erick walks in. I just thought really ?

- Zoe's friendships, she is lying to everyone. how has she got any friends

- Zoey's horrible personality, being nasty about her present her friends bought her. Ungrateful

-Aphrodite Spoiler
Spoilershe is human now? what?

- spoiler of end
SpoilerI still don't understand the death of Loren and who killed him, all I thought was thank god

More fast paced than betrayed, better than marked.
Untamed by P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast

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I really enjoyed this book when I read it, I was 13. However now if I read it I'm not sure if I would enjoy it as much. I'm glad she has no friends or boyfriend(s) in this book. she deserves it. (so I thought when I read the blurb). When I read it I learned that pretty soon the forget everything. All except Eric who is now replacing Loren and teaching Zoe, Awkward.

Aphrodite, Neferet and Stevie Rea have really developed. Stevie Rea is my favourite character because she is a little more complex compared to the others.

I also really like the new character Stark, however what a surprise Zoe's is interested.

Zoe's love life isn't as overpowering in this book however she still likes multiple guys.

A new "Monster" is being introduced. Although interesting I found these difficult to imagine and a little out of place in this book at first, now I have read more of the books they do eventually make sense however I still find them odd.

Although these books use sex, violence and Rape they still have quite childish annoying ways of speaking.

The ending a fast paced and quite interesting compared to the other books. Best in the series so far.
Tempted by P.C. Cast

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Liked it when I was young, not at all now.

Weird format change, jumping from Stevie Rae to Zoe's point of view. I don't like it, it slows down the pace.

What is with the Raven Mocker and Stevie Rea?

3 guys again ? Really ? didn't you learn anything at all?

oh and the fact Kalona is trying to "Seduce you" is just enough to make me throw this book against the wall. how is he a fallen angel again. What makes things worse is you like him! He RAPED and KILLED tonnes of women and you are thinking about being with him !

I am so irritated by the way they speak.

I still like a few of the characters but some drive me crazy.


- Stevie Rae
- Aphrodite
- Stark
- Neferet


- ZOE (slut)
- KALONA (weird rapist)
- SHAUNEE and ERIN (THE TWINS) I hate the way they talk so much
- Kramisha (WTF IS SHE SAYING, can't speak English clearly)
- Jack (How old are you? He turns out to have an affinity for the Modern World WTF)
- Damien (he is ok but still a little annoying)

The rest of the characters are just in the background, they annoy me too.
Hunted by P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast

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This book is about the same level as the previous, it contains a lot of action and introduces some new interesting characters.

I really like some of the red fledglings.

I find Zoe and Kalona very strange. I just don't get it or like it.

I am so irritated by the way they speak.

I still like a few of the characters but some drive me crazy.


- Stevie Rae
- Aphrodite
- Stark
- Neferet


- SHAUNEE and ERIN (THE TWINS) I hate the way they talk so much
- Kramisha (WTF IS SHE SAYING)
- Jack (How old are you? He turns out to have an affinity for the Modern World WTF)
- Damien (he is ok but still a little annoying)

The rest of the characters are just in the background, they annoy me too.
The Enemy by Charlie Higson

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3.5 or 4 still not sure

I did enjoy this book, I think it is a very different take on the Zombie culture. They are very unusual and very revolting. I think they however did confuse me slightly in this book. One minuet they are described as brainless (the beginning) then they set traps for the kids. I'm not sure the writer really knew at the beginning what the zombies he was writing about were. However towards the middle of the book I understood fully, They aren't brainless (as often describes), they have however lost all sense of morality and personality. Their actions remind me a lot like cavemen, ruthless feral but still able to think of a plan.

Another Issue I had were a few of the characters.It's is not so much the main characters, most of them I really liked. Arran was believable as the leader, I liked the difference between what he said and what he thought. I also liked Maxie's plot, she really grows as a character starting off as quite a weak fragile character to a strong voice. I liked Sam's development through the book, his story really doesn't ever stop being action packed.

Some of the characters however I hated first being Achilleus who was very annoying (unless he was fighting)when he spoke it was always negative however he was also stupid and big headed. I know that is the point but he was a character I didn't care about at all, in fact I wanted him to die (yet he was one of the good characters). I also didn't like David at all (he is at the end of the book). I also found Nick and Rachel's part in the story obvious and pointless (just another obstacle)
SpoilerThey had plenty of food yet they wasted it giving it to children then killed them

I thought the pacing of the book was nice, quite fast however I found it hard to get into to begin with for some reason. I liked the way it switched between characters keeping up the suspense. It is a pretty easy read and short.

The last chapter was effective making me want to see what will happen.
Earth Magic Oracle Cards: A 48-Card Deck and Guidebook by Steven D. Farmer

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Stunning images, easily understood, nice book to accompany. Lots of information given but the cards are free to interpret. A wonderful deck to own whether a beginner or highly skilled. Also great to draw a card of the day.