anastasiaf's reviews
234 reviews

Dust by Hugh Howey

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More if a story than the first book, but kind of boring. 

Agreed with another reviewer - probably could have condensed to half the length of this book.

Lots of good ideas - I’m excited for how the tv show will do this story. 
Shift by Hugh Howey

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Confusing and a little too long in parts. Brought in some interesting lore. Curious how the next book will be.
The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 47%.
It’s an interesting premise and written well, but it’s just too high scifi for me and I’m bored and confused. I did read a detailed summary and thought it was an incredibly interesting and creative story and listened to another hour but it’s just not for me right now. It would be perfect for people who like this type of scifi and deserves all the hype.
The Fall of Koli by M.R. Carey

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Wow, the beginning on the ship was sooo boring. I almost gave up. Maybe it was so long because I was seeing family and having shorter listening times, but still.

Again, there were really interesting ideas but I think they went a little further this time (re cloning, nature vs nurture, etc)

I think the pacing choice didn’t work as well as hoped - it was just frustrating to hear the Mithinrood people assume that Koli was coming to do bad instead of just asking when we heard his point of view. 

I was also so pissed when it felt like we just glossed over Koli dying, but I guess it made sense (though it would have been better to cut the narrative at his upload and the question of if it was done in time). 

Thinking about the series as a whole, it felt like a decently unique and interesting story, that was just way too long, took some odd choices which didn’t pay off with the style (pacing, language, etc) which makes it feel like maybe it’s the author’s book (which it isn’t) or first try to make such a huge story (which it arguably is) 

Overall series score 3.75*
Into the Drowning Deep by Mira Grant

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Really interesting and well thought out ideas, but it just didn’t quite get there for me. I do wonder if some of the issues were due to the audiobook narrator as I felt like her tone made the story tension feel less serious. 

I guess I didn’t care about it enough because I didn’t go look at other reviews and write detailed notes after.


Characters make some strange choices.
Like not running away from the railings when the first person is killed by the mermaids. Giving a whole monologue while the captive mermaid can hear. Etc.

“Write your own ticket” I don’t think I’ve ever heard this phrase in my life as much as I’ve heard it in this one book. 

There is so little book left (1hr) and the danger is not over. Im worried the story won’t wrap up and I’ll have to wait for the sequel

43 min left (incl credits) - either everyone is going to die or they’re getting saved and there is no epilogue. Just checked and there is a 4.5 min epilogue so maybe they get saved? There seems to be some sort of big bad that Tori is trying to warn everyone about though… </spoiler

The music during the credits would have been perfect to have DURING the reading….
The Trials of Koli by M.R. Carey

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I like that we got Spinner’s perspective, I like that we learn more about tech. Interesting enough story that I bought the next one immediately 
The Book of Koli by M.R. Carey

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Interesting enough - I like the idea of a weird world.

I like that we get pay off for some mysteries relatively quickly - ex. whatever is following Koli about midway through the book

Really visceral reaction to the underground people and just wanted the story to stop being there (I could also smell the stink and feel the gross of being there)

I love the diversity of characters 

I think I had a better time than some others as I listened to the audiobook which helped with the language. 
This Long Vigil by Rhett C. Bruno

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Free on audible so gave it a go. 

Same narrator as the Bob books, which might be why I enjoyed it. 

It was a generally good story, kind of basic but nice.
Our Wives Under The Sea by Julia Armfield

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Interesting, very sad, liked the form (ie staggering of the perspectives so end loops with the beginning).

This being the first book after reading “Into the Drowning Deep”, I felt primed for the transformation and wanting it to be more sinister, but I’m glad it didn’t do that. 

I have questions but I’m okay I don’t have an answer.
