andibutts's reviews
195 reviews

Are Prisons Obsolete? by Angela Y. Davis

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challenging informative slow-paced


Of One Blood: Or, the Hidden Self: The Givens Collection by Pauline E. Hopkins

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 53%.
I started reading this book for my ENG 360 class—African American Writers: Black Supernatural—at the University of Oregon, but once I dropped the term, I decided this book was one not worth finishing. (I did not care for this book.)
Louisiana by Erna Brodber

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 27%.
I started reading this for my ENG 360 class—African American Writers: Black Supernatural—at the University of Oregon. After dropping the term, I decided that this book is not one I care about finishing. 
Wild by Cheryl Strayed

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Did not finish book.
I stopped reading this book more than a year ago, assuming I would one day pick it back up. However, that never happened, so to the Did Not Finish pile it goes! (I still hope to finish this book in the future.)