andreawurzburger's reviews
181 reviews

Love at First Spite by Anna E. Collins

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'Love at First Spite' by Anna E. Collins was a quick and adorable read. The premise is fun: A woman who was cheated on by her fiancé buys the lot next door to him in order to carry out her vengeful fantasy of creating a Spite House that will be garish and annoying while bringing in money as a rental. In order to make it happen, she teams up with the seemingly grumpy architect at work.

I'm not a huge fan of miscommunication/withholding of information being a conflict, but I think that Collins justified the actions of her characters enough that I didn't care all that much.

Oh my gosh, I did feel so seen when *SPOILER* Dani forgets to file very important paperwork that could lead to her losing everything! I cringed so hard knowing it was absolutely something I'd do.

A fun, delightful romance overall.
Funny You Should Ask by Elissa Sussman

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I absolutely adored this book. And not in a 'oh, this was a cute rom com and made me feel good so I'll give it 5 stars' way. I really, really loved it. There were so many moments that made my heart ache (in good ways and bad) and had me swooning on behalf of Chani. I know I am probably inserting my own feelings into it because I'm also a journalist, but I don't care! It's such a fun read and I'd be surprised if it didn't end up getting picked up and turned into a movie or series.