angek98's reviews
691 reviews

The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan

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At first I laughed.
Then I cried

This book doesn't inflict as much emotion as much as Son of Neptune did, for me, it kind of falls flat on the emotion spectrum. The story is great, and I loved Annabeth's chapters the most.
At first getting into the novel was hard. I don't know why. It felt wrong, somehow. But I slowly grew more comfortable as the story progressed.
It's less nostalgic, than the previous novels, but I supposed it's to be expected since the storyline is moving along at this point.
Between the Lines by Samantha van Leer, Jodi Picoult

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what is this book.
i could relate to delilah more than i could any other character i've ever read.
The Serpent's Shadow by Rick Riordan

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Loved it.

1st re-read:
A bit hesitant to shelve this as romance, but there was such a huge focus on it that it didn't feel right not to shelve it.
It was a pleasing end for the Kane Chronicles, and we got closure, no loose ends.
Sadie Kane is my #problematic (not so) fave.
Eragon by Christopher Paolini

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2016 re-read
My original opinion is still pretty much the same.
I'm pretty much reading this again for Murtagh and Nasuada (fave characters)

So, in the first half of the novel, I feelt like the dialogue was really awkward and it wasn't natural at all. Especially Brom's and Eragon's interactions. I felt likee it was far too easy for Eragon to have a mentor in Brom who knew absolutely everything there was to know about anything. I like a little confusion in my stories for the characters, and not to have everything handed to them on a silver platter.

The characters were pretty bland, not really that interesting, and I skimmed pretty much the entire part when they got to the Varden... I basically only read the parts with Murtagh and Nasuada..... not my fault everything else was boring.
This is about the third time I'm reading Eragon, and I'm in two minds about it.
Christopher Paolini is a talented author, that much is certain, and I really liked Eragon.
I just think it was unnecessarily long. I could have summed the whole story down into two-hundred pages. There were parts where I was just thinking "Why the heck is this in here" and some parts that were so unnecessary that I can't even remember them.

I really liked the fantsay of it. Dragons, elves, dwarves... sure, there might be some similarities to Lord of the Rings, like how it's in a whole different world, same creatures, etc. But there is just something about it that makes it different in a way.

Some people would argue that there was no plot, that is where I would have to disagree with you. You don't write a novel that long, with no plot, the foreshadowing kind of gives it away, but each to their own.

I have to admit, I was a little dissapointed that there were hardly any girls in the novel, the only main girls are Arya, Saphira, and a little later on, Nasuada and Sloan's daughter which I just totally forgot the name of. It's good that the girls are allowed to fight in the war, but why only the the elven women? Why not us puny humans. Sorry, that was my feminist side taking over my brain, but still, my argument is valid.

Eragon didn't change my life, like Harry Potter and Percy Jackson did, but it's very good!

Each to their own, I suppose.

By the way, what does 'Wyrd' mean?
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants by Ann Brashares

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I was... really impressed by this novel.

I was completely immersed in the lives of these very different girls. Ummm, I don't really know what else to say.

I loved how each of the characters had a very distinct voice, and they didn't all mesh into each other.

I loved the writing, it was super clear and descriptive of all the internal struggles in the girls lives.

I wasn't really too invested in Bridget's narrative though. But I was overall super super impressed by this book.
The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black

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Loved the characters. Didn't love the plot, really.

The Darkest Part of the Forest has some of the most interesting, well-written characters of any book I've ever read. The characters and the character interactions were probably what kept me reading this.

I'm not sure what it was about the plot. Generally I love folklore and fairy tales but this just felt really off to me. Maybe it was the characters didn't really mesh well with the ideas of the plot...

The writing style was enchanting, too, but it felt really exclusionary, if that makes sense. I felt like I was watching the events through a glass ball, not really allowing any place to actually sense and feel the setting or the emotions of the characters.

I did love the diversity in this novel though. Always a plus.