angek98's reviews
1025 reviews

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

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Did not finish book.
Too bland.
Heartless by Marissa Meyer

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Marissa Meyer knows how to entertain the reader.
She is an expert at crafting characters that you care about, that you wish were real, that invade your thoughts.
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien

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Back when I first read this in 2012, I gave this an unfair "review" of 'Average book was average' simply because I couldn't be bothered immersing myself into Tolkien's writing or the world of Middle Earth, and just settled for skimming pages.

Now that I've properly read it, I can now accurately convey my feelings towards this book.

The Hobbit tells the story of Bilbo Baggins who would not rather be going on dangerous adventures, than being in the comfort of his hobbit-hole (As someone who strives for magical adventures like the one described in this book, I can't relate), and once he does, we see that even the most smallest of creatures, and the most underestimated of people can be practitioners of heroism.

The events in the story do not necessarily relate to the end goal of the narrative, but even though I felt such scenes (ex: troll scene) did not add much to the story, I think they were important in establishing Bilbo and letting the 'Tookish' side of him come out and show that he is a quick thinker and able to get himself and the band of Dwarves out of tight spots.

The Hobbit was an enjoyable story, accessible to those who actually want to read it, and I think essential reading if you love the fantasy/adventure genre.

Average book was average.
The Return of the King by J.R.R. Tolkien

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"What do you fear, lady?" he asked.
"A cage," she said. "To stay behind bars, until use and old age accept them, and all chance of doing great deeds is gone beyone recall or desire."

I love eowyn i want to marry her she is my girlfriend.

I found the latter half of this book to be more enjoyable, although Eowyn's scenes were SO GOOD.
The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien

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I didn't really plan on re-reading this until I did a project at uni analysing Lord of the Rings under a Freudian lens... I didn't see all the sexual undertones of LOTR until I did that project...

I honestly dont know how to review this book... I'm just going to do a list of this i liked/didnt like about it.

○ all the self insert fanfiction this has produced. I don't even care what you think about those. I LOVE THEM. Adding more romance and rectifying Tolkien's woman problem in one swoop!
○EOWYN. I love her so so so much.
○Tolkien's writing!! I love his depictions of the scenery the most. He paints an image in your mind.
○ Merry, Pippin and the Ents. Honestly my favourite. I love the ents
○Gollum. He's my 2nd fave character.
○The hobbits in general.

Didn't like:

Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo

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If [b:Shadow and Bone|10194157|Shadow and Bone (The Grisha, #1)|Leigh Bardugo||15093325] was about the Darkling,
And [b:Siege and Storm|14061955|Siege and Storm (The Grisha, #2)|Leigh Bardugo||19699752] was focused on Mal,
Then [b:Ruin and Rising|14061957|Ruin and Rising (The Grisha, #3)|Leigh Bardugo||19699754] was about Alina's journey and development from the beginning of the series.

And damn was this one amazing. It was heart-wrenching, frightening, funny, wholesome and delightful.

The writing was the best I've read of Bardugo yet. She mastered the English language in this one, pulling me into the story, into the world, into the emotions of Alina, and her turmoil in the temptation of power, the things she's had to witness to her friends and foes.

Remember in my review of Shadow and Bone when I said that Alina wasn't much of a character? She really found her footing in this book, and I think its because this one was primarily about Alina. Her development is astounding, and her character arc was satisfying, if not predictable.

Nikolai.... I was so scared for him... His character arc.... @Leigh Bardugo how could you put me through that emotional turmoil.... (i still would like to marry him thx)

I'm just really happy with this series.