This was the first book with an unlikeable main character that I've read, which I did like. I like the complexity of someone who both does frustrating things but also does sweet and good things.
Mostly I felt that the emotional side of this needed a little more development. I needed a better understanding of their motivations (especially Ruga's), and I also wanted to see the development of their feelings for each other a bit more woven in with more scenes that help us see why they fall for each other and why they fight to be together.
I enjoyed the premise and want to see more sapphic orc stories!
I really like this dynamic of the male monster being submissive and it's so uncommon in books! I honestly felt like this could have been expanded quite a bit to let more of the dynamics play out but overall it was a great time.
This was a super fun read but the main conflict at the end was not believable to me. It would have been solved so quickly if they just talked about it and it felt out of character for them to handle it the way they did.
Outside of that, I love that this series has such a great cast of supporting characters, I loved that Stevie and Zanders' story was woven throughout and not just an epilogue after thought. And I love the love the characters all have for each other 🥰. They also all have more going on than just the romance which makes for a really fun read.
I am a little stunned that I loved my first hockey romance so much. Tomforde writes dialogue so realistically I honestly felt like the words could have been lifted from fights/discussions I had with my own partners. The banter in this is phenomenal - literally squee-ing-level flirting. Each character was really nuanced, I felt that both the masking of Zanders and the body dysmorphia of Stevie were very well portrayed. I love love love the found family element to this, combined with the strong mental health themes it really gave me some Ted Lasso vibes! And I always love any character that isn't skinny. I don't think Stevie was plus size, but she was curvy and closer to mid size/small fat.
Probably the only detractor for me was the third act breakup. I very honestly felt like they could have created the appropriate tension and resolution with it, but it didn't stop me from wholeheartedly enjoying this! I'm glad book two is out and I don't have to leave this world quite yet 😊
I would probably rate this higher if it wasn't marketed as romance. There is a fun romance but it takes a backseat to the figuring out life plotline. I really loved the friendship in this, silly, sweet, supportive. The family dynamics were realistic but still ultimately hopeful. And the romance was solid, especially the sexy scenes, though there were not many/not very long. Honestly, if there had been more opportunity for the romance to develop (which could have easily been added as this was a pretty short read already) it would have been great. A couple plotline things irked me mildly but not enough to derail the overall good time.
Ugh.... This just did not hit. It started off strong but I did not like how the kidnapping was handled with him justifying it and her also just accepting it?! The last 20% was soooo slow and the big conflict was really lazy.
I think this was a case of "not for me." The fat rep was really well done, the sex scenes were excellent. There were darker elements which is not usually my jam, but will likely be great for someone else: stalker element, dubcon, sexual assault on page, and a small amount but pretty explicit violence on page.
This was so good! I really enjoy Gonzales’ writing - it’s funny, immersive, great writing overall from dialogue to descriptors. I loved the themes - fuck over the fuck boy, girls supporting girls. The story was very creative and interesting all the way through and the nuanced conflict had me aching for the characters but never frustrated. Probably my only critiques are that Jordy was a little too much of a villain (aka he could have had some more nuance), and there wasn't enough of the romance! Overall very tiny critiques in the grand scheme of things as I've rated it 4.75 stars
This was a pretty heavy book for a romance. It heavily features Paris' undiagnosed/untreated anxiety including many indepth, on page descriptions.
Because Paris is an unreliable narrator for the first 3/4, the romance is really in the background and hard to see/feel the chemistry between him and Tariq.
Everyone in Paris' life is focused on what they perceive to be his shortcomings/flaws and Tariq and his best friend both handle supporting him really poorly. Both relationships get addressed, apologies are made, but we don't really get to see either of them change. It was honestly hard to read in a romance where we usually get to live out more idealistic relationships, but it was realistic.
Paris really deserves a lot of love and I would have liked to see him get just a whole ton more of it.
I did really enjoy Tariq's character outside of his treatment of Paris. Hall writes queer characters so well and representative of queer culture which I find absent in so many queer books where the characters are just being plunked into straight stories but with two men/women/nonbinary people.