anisha24's reviews
265 reviews

Salt Slow by Julia Armfield

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Genuinely one of the most bizarre, unsettling books I've ever read. The premise of every short story was like a once in a blue moon fever dream. Paired with Armfield's stunningly poetic prose, the stories felt as alive, as grotesque, as pressingly urgent as the creatures of which they spoke. I'll never forget "Stop Your Women's Ear's with Wax," "Granite," or "Smack."

If you read this one, be prepared with a highlighter. And be prepared for the hairs on the back of your neck to stand on end (both with pleasure and discomfort).
The Anthropocene Reviewed: Essays on a Human-Centered Planet by John Green

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John Green is someone I will always admire and respect. As a person, as a Liverpool fan, as a writer. I grew up reading The Fault in our Stars, An Abundance of Katherines, and the rest of his beautifully written, impossible not to connect with YA novels. I also grew up watching the brothers Green (Hank and John) on vlogbrothers. In the Anthropocene Reviewed, I felt like I was filling a scrapbook with pages of John's mind. It was a pleasure to watch him tease out the painful heart of what may seem, at first glance, like an odd product or a history lesson. 
The collection was like a series of beautifully folded origami animals, and reading each essay was like unfolding the paper, seeing the creases, and understanding how such beauty was made. John Green writes what I wish I understood how to write, and I'll always appreciate him for that and more.
A Very Typical Family by Sierra Godfrey

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Fun, easy to read novel. I was definitely keen to see where the plot would go. That being said, the book didn't seem to know exactly what it was, and ended up being sort of...nothing as a result. Sometimes, it felt like a thriller. Other times, it felt like a romance. I kept waiting for some moment where all the puzzle pieces would come together and fulfill the book's purpose, but the moment never came. Instead, all the conflict appeared out of nowhere, and disappeared just as quickly. It felt like the book's build-up was a slow-paced thriller, but the resolution was a happily-ever-after romance with no satisfying explanation for the mysteries and questions established earlier in the novel.  

Overall, it was interesting and fun, but too much was set up for not enough payoff to be a truly amazing read.