i've seen other reviewers point out that they would've liked more details on the case, and i agree. it was a horrible crime (i had to skim through the moment of the kill and the description of the crime scene after) and i would imagine malcolm being deeply affected by the implications of targeting marginalized communities for the pleasure of the rich considering his feelings on previous similar cases. perhaps this will be mentioned later, it would be a shame to just brush over them.
otherwise, the character building in this one hurt in the most delicious way. that rooftop conversation between sj and mal was brimming with emotion and vulnerability, i didn't think they had it in them to be so honest with themselves and each other. the discussion on sj's identity lent new layers to previous interactions with mal and gave more depth to his reluctance.
i think these books are impressively balanced, and it says a lot that the author manages to make you care deeply about the romance while also being intrigued about the individual cases and DYING TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THE BACKSTORY AND OVERARCHING MYSTERY (i can't be the only one, can i??). anyway this scratched the slow burn itch and i think i can now take a small (very small!) break to read something else. looking forward to continuing with this season!
Briznas de hierba; la fruta podrida preludio de la nueva vida; semillas enterradas en el calor de la tierra, refugiadas junto al yo; ángeles que caen, que observan; las palabras, fútiles y poderosas a la vez; la vida, la muerte, la resurrección; un sueño en el que todo el tiempo ocurre a la vez, el yo es joven y viejo simultáneamente cuando permanece entretejido en los ciclos de la naturaleza; el cielo que es tierra bajo los pies; el sol atrapado en una gota de agua, y los grillos hablando en su idioma incomprensible.
Acabar este libro ha sido despertar de un sueño mágico, querĂa permanecer en el hechizo de estos poemas.