annaroosvw's reviews
98 reviews

Kom hier dat ik u kus by Griet Op de Beeck

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Triest verhaal over hoe het leven kan gaan en hoe gebroken mensen hierin een dominante rol kunnen gaan spelen. Mooie ware zinnen en diepe context. Nu wel echt even over op iets lichters..
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - Ravenclaw Edition by J.K. Rowling

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Not as touching as the first part, but still a gem. Loved the ending where it all came back to the same vibe as the beginning of book nr 1 :)
#GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso

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Instant confidence guaranteed. Very positive, relativating, hope giving words from an absolute business outsider-superhero :)
Dromen in de ochtendzon by Sarah Morgan

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A bit too sweet for me, but lovely setting descriptions and very dreamy :) A bit Kinsella'ish, which is something all women-girls like, non?
My Not So Perfect Life by Sophie Kinsella

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hilarious, low-intelligence (and I need that very much in between all the uni cleverness), rom-com-proof little dream
Revenge Wears Prada: The Devil Returns by Lauren Weisberger

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Boring copared to the 1st one, but love Andy's character. She's so strong, does what she needs to do, chooses her own way without being horrible to others. Inspiring personality! Storywise a bit boring though.
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

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A title that comes along many times once you start reading classics, once your join the world of book nerds I guess. Therefore I gave it a shot, starting off with a rather skeptical vision.

I usually find popular books a bit cringy, and to be honest this was also the case with the Alchemist. The book is filled with modern clichés (following your dreams etc), all perfectly fitted to be put on a tile for your living room. However, some of the lessons and comparisons in the book are less well known and very true. I found that when you take the time to read slowly, anyone will find some valuable life lesson in there that fits his or her own path. Furthermore, it is quite easy to get through it as it reads like a little fairytale. Made me think of the Little Price sometimes (I'm sure the real book nerds find this comparison too blunt). Conclusion: a lovely little tale filled with treasures among which some will come across as obvious/cliché and others will touch you straight in the heart.
Zij namen het woord: rebelse schrijfsters in de Franse letteren by Margot Dijkgraaf

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Het is knap als je levensverhalen verhalend kunt vertellen. Veel feiten tot je nemen en toch erbij blijven, gewoon omdat het boeiend is, dat krijgt Margot voor mekaar. De rode draad is Franse heldinnen die met het geschreven woord anders durfden te zijn, zodat ze ons nu nog een gevoel van herkenning geven. Intelligent verwoord door Dijkgraaf, maar toch erg makkelijk om te begrijpen. Een boek dat je kritisch denkvermogen activeert en je doet inzien dat je al lang niet over je eigen moraal had nagedacht, omdat het tegenwoordig zo gewenst is om met de massa mee te bewegen. Om “normaal” te zijn en te denken. Voor deze schrijfsters was dat niet het geval, en dat is een verademing om te lezen.