annes's reviews
390 reviews

Fatal Strike by DiAnn Mills

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Fatal Strike as been gifted to me in exchange for a review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Right from the beginning of the opening scene I knew that I was going to really love this book. We open on an action packed scene meeting our two main characters that kept me intrigued right from the first page.

We open up with a really intense scene that got me intrigued the moment I start reading. Fatal Strike follows a slow burning investigation which I like because it shows that both detectives are doing their jobs and bring the criminal to justice. We don’t normally see the intricate details of an investigation in books very often.

I really loved this story and learning all about these characters. In Fatal Strike we see small hints of attraction and romance between our characters which is really sweet and a great comic relief between violent scenes.

At times throughout the story I found myself thinking this story is going to get boring but I was so wrong. Each time the story began to slow down something unexpected popped up which peaks interest and made me to continue reading.

This story truly caught me by surprise and the many twists and turns this story took truly shocked me. I did not see any of it coming!
Silent Voices by Fran Lewis

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Originally posted on Forever the Wanderer

This is a collection of short stories which I found difficult to write this review for. I reviewed each story separately, added up those rates and then divided it by the number of stories in this collection which ultimately gave me a 2.8 rating which I rounded up to 3.

All in all this short story collection is an okay read. I probably wouldn’t reread this because I don’t feel like short stories are for me because I need more building and character development to connect with the characters, etc.
Dead over Heels by Theresa Braun

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At the start I wasn’t sure what was going to happen within this book but I was very intrigued at the hints of some paranormal happenings. Although our main character is on the search for love there is so much more happening within this short but wonderful story.

Every fact that was given within Dead Over Heels is connected to the plot as a whole and it all comes together perfectly in the end which leaves you speechless and in shock at what happens!

History repeats itself and something terrible happens which left me reeling and searching for words when the realization hit me of what had just happened. Although this was a very short story I absolutely loved it and would definitely read it again and again.
House of Salt And Sorrows by Erin A. Craig

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I had a lot of expectations heading into this story. In ways I got some of the things I wanted and in other ways I didn't . This was a truly haunting, chilling atmospheric read.

Unfortunately the characters in this story were very one dimensional and I couldn't really tell the difference between them.

Many times I found myself being annoyed by the main character because she kept doing the same thing over and over again.

Throughout the story there were a few twists and turns which did catch me by surprise. Last but not least, what the hell was that?! I am still confused with what the hell happened but I did guess who was the @evil@ person who set up all the trouble that happened in this story. This was disappointing in many ways.

I don't want to be able to guess the ending from about the half way point in the story.
Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake

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This was another average, okay fantasy read for me with three dark crowns. From chapter one I guessed the ending and surprise, surprise I was right.

Going into this story I was expecting a dark, grim and violent novel and that is not what I got. This story was very slow and I found myself getting confused at times because there were so many characters, places and perspectives in this story so it took me a lot of time to get into this story.

I feel like the synopsis and promotion of this story was all wrong because because I know many others expected an action-packed, fast paced battle to the death but unfortunately we got a slow paced, character driven novel with a lot of political intrigue instead of what the synopsis was giving us.