anovelstart's reviews
683 reviews

Forbidden Surrender by Priscilla West

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I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via. NetGalley. This does not affect my opinion of the book or review in any way.

My God! I don't usually review erotica romance novels, but something caught my eye about this one. West has created the perfect man, well, I don't know about you, but definitely my perfect man ;)

Vincent, the billionaire bad boy trying to court Kristen, is sweet, sensual, and romantic. Furthermore, he's understanding and isn't afraid to play the waiting game if it means getting the girl he wants. When it comes to sex though, it's like every girls dream. I really like his protectiveness towards Kristen, but also how devoted and persistent he seems to be to win her over. Not a lot of guys would carry on trying after the first rebuff, never mind a second or third!

Kristen is a very relatable main character. She's been single for two years and has had bad relationships in the past - work is her life now - work, work, work. It's almost a pleasure seeing her friends trying to push her out the door for a date. I always find it quite reassuring when you have friends like that in books, it's kind of like, "it's ok, she's got back up".

I really like the storyline of this book... it's believable but bordering fantasy - perfect. Imagine your wildest fantasies when you create your ideal man and the perfect situation - this is it. Aside from that, we do see ups and downs in Kristen's life which makes her life more realistic. When something good happens, something equally bad (or worse) happens to balance it.

The only problem I had with this book is I'd make it longer. This isn't really an issue though as it's a series, so I can just move onto the next book. I'd like it to be on a longer timescale and know both characters more deeply now that we've seen the type of people they are.

I'd recommend this to any woman who fantasizes about rich, totally gorgeous (but at the same time, totally sweet!) men.

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Wrecked by Priscilla West

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I received this book free from the publisher at NetGalley. This does not affect my opinion of the book or my review in any way.

A good book. I thought it had a good storyline, it was nice to read a book about collage age young adults (university age in the UK). I just felt it added a bit of a twist because of all the normal drama that goes on during that time, in this instance gossip. This book is a prime example on how you shouldn't let gossip rule your life and how it can make situations even worse.

I really liked Lorrie and Hunter as characters. They both have their own issues to deal with - Hunters we don't find out until near the end of the book. They're both characters that are relatable to some extent as they both have personal tragedies to deal with. I like how they connect really well in spite of everything that tries to get between them, I feel it makes them stronger as a couple.

I found Hunter quite a respectable bloke. Right from the start he's shown that he respects Lorries' decision to just be "friends" friends, lol, even though he's made it perfectly clear that he finds her attractive. In his own way he's everything you'd wish for in a man; he's understanding, he prefers talking to arguing, he's well-built, he'll give you your space, and he's also romantic and fun to be with... *dreamy sigh* if only, right girls? Due to the type of character he is, you're secretly slapping Lorrie across the face at various points in the story so she'll get her act together and see that he actually likes her. Yes he's played around, but he's serious about you girl!

The book does get steamy in places, between the hormones and the new found love that's to be expected. I won't say any more on the topic because I don't want to give the good bits away!

I'd definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes college drama, young romance, troubled backgrounds and two people finding comfort in spite of it all.

For more of my reviews, please visit my book blog at:
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

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the ending makes the title make perfect sense. Such a shocking story, but absolutely brilliant! I'll be buying it for mother for Christmas.
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

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This book had such good reviews all around I thought I should read it, after all, if it's such highly recommended who am I to refuse? Well, it was so-so.

Let's start with what I didn't like, then I can finish on a positive note!


Spoiler At the end of the book when Gatsby dies, it only takes a few paragraphs and we're in the next chapter... the funeral arrangements took a larger portion of the book than Gatsby's death! What the hell? I was actually very disappointed by this, it was easy to miss and had to read it twice. Not only that, but obviously it was quite vague! We know who it was and why they did it, but some detail would have been nice. That's my main gripe with the book, I feel like I needed more closure. I know why he was killed and how, but I'd like more of an explanation of the how... a little suspense! Is it too much to ask?

Also, I know this book isn't down as a romance, but it has a romantic subplot with Daisy and Gatsby. I mean, it's in the synopsis, right? Well, there could have been a bit more to it. I feel the author could have played it up a bit more! I wasn't expecting a huge die-hard love affair, but something close would have been nice. Maybe even a little bit of intimacy, just a few sweet words of affection or something, but no... disappointed again...

End of spoilers!

Well, onto the positives! I gave it three stars because I did actually like the storyline. We find out quite a bit about Gatsby and why he's so great. The period-writing was excellent, I loved it. Obviously cars are still new at this point because they're still using horses half the time and only the rich have "automobiles" (he he, cute isn't it?) so yeah that was nice.

I didn't think it would work being from another persons point of view. Reading the synopsis, I actually thought that only the end was from another person's perspective but all the book is! It works. I like how it has an outsiders opinion on the matter.

I know a lot of people are going to disagree with me, but my main faults of the book is that there could have been more. Brilliant writing, lovely description, loved the period. There's a lot to be learnt by reading this book, it's full of wisdom! I certainly learnt a thing or two I can tell you! However, it didn't quite cut it for me. I just want more :D

All in all, I'm glad I read it. I gave it three stars because I thought it was a good book and worth a read if you have the time. If you read it, I hope you enjoy.

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