aprilalwayswithabook's reviews
1831 reviews

All I Want is You by Falon Ballard

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This was everything I wanted in a second chance holiday romance and it was fun and sweet and had a HEA.
Ice Planet Barbarians by Ruby Dixon

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I think my enjoyment of this suffered with the hype even though I really try not to let it. I'll keep trying though, bc I didn't dislike it and series often get better!
Funny Story by Emily Henry

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My kids always make fun of movies that use the name of it in dialogue. 'And SCENE!' they cry! (Usually while I'm trying to HEAR said dialogue and it's really annoying.) I liked this. I probably would have loved it, except the name made me think it would be FUNNY instead of warm and heartbreaking and lovely. Four stars bc Emily Henry is a fantastic writer. A lesser writer wouldnt have nailed the emotion.
Stealing Home by Grace Reilly

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Sweet, but the whole "I'm not good enough for him" spiel got old quick.
The Slowest Burn: A Novel by Sarah Chamberlain

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I read this all in one day - it was sweet and special, with enough humor to keep me going. Nearly shed tears on the regular, and I'm a robot who doesn't cry for books. There were a couple 'over-explaining' bits toward the end, but didn't take away from the experience.