aprillynn's reviews
81 reviews

The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan

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  Excellent read. The only complaint I had was I had difficulty following the story line at times when switching between the daughters views and the mothers views. Definitely a great insight to this particular culture. 
The Mist by Stephen King

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  While this book wasn't terrible, it wasn't all that great either. It felt a little lackluster compared to some of his other books. I also felt as though there should have been parts left out that didn't really add to the story. 
No Exit by Taylor Adams

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dark emotional tense


  I may have to take a minute to recover from this one before jumping into my next read! From the very beginning I was hooked and Adam's had a way of keeping the reader engaged and at the edge of their seat all the way through. I loved Darby and her quick thinking to try to help save a child's life. 
Malorie by Josh Malerman

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 While I enjoyed "Malorie" I did have a hard time staying engaged in the story and found myself becoming bored often. There were times I wanted to skip parts, but kept going because I was afraid I might miss something that added to the story. There did seem to be a bit of filler to try to stretch the story out, but overall it wasn't too bad of a read. 
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

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 "For you, a thousand times over."

I'm not going to lie... this was a difficult read for me. Not because the writing was poor or because the book as a whole wasn't exceptional, but rather because of some of the subject matter discussed. I found my heart dropping and tears springing to my eyes quite a few times and wanting to slap Amir for not being a better friend in the first half. I will say, though, it is definitely an eye opener to this particular culture and is worth a read if you can stomach some of the lows throughout. 

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Nightbooks by J.A. White

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I originally watched the movie with one of my kiddos and then found out it was a book so naturally I HAD to read it!

It may be a Y.A. Novel, but as an adult I thoroughly enjoyed it. I cannot wait until my kiddos are old enough to read it all on their own. It had just enough creepy to keep me entertained without giving a good scare which is a good thing for a Y.A. Novel. 
A Wind in the Door by Madeleine L'Engle

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 I read a Wrinkle in Time a couple months ago and realized that there was a series around the characters. This was book #2 within that series.

While the book itself was somewhat enjoyable, the author talked in circles often and I feel as though the story moved rather slowly. In my opinion a 240 page story could have been told in about half the pages and not lost any of the meaning. Also be prepared to gain a bigger vocabulary as the author tends to add in quite a few words you may need to research to understand. 
A Swiftly Tilting Planet by Madeleine L'Engle

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As with every book in this series L'Engle tends to write in circles and draw out the story. While it was a decent read and I'll read the next one, I feel as though there is a lot that could be left out and none of the story lost. 
They Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera

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I honestly went into this book with mixed emotions since the title literally gives the ending away. I didn't have high hopes for the story line that was based around dying, but I'll admit when I'm wrong and I was definitely wrong! I loved watching the dynamics between the two main characters, Rufus and Mateo, and how much they grew by their untimely end. The only complaint I have and why I gave it 4 stars was because I felt that the "chapters" told by other people were a bit of a waste of space, but I understand why it was done. 
The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides

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HOLY COW, WHAT DID I JUST READ?!?!?! It honestly took me a bit to get into this book, but I am so glad I followed the advice of some fellow book worms and kept at it!
Just when I thought I had it ALL figured out Michaelides threw a wrench in my thought process and totally messed with my mind (in the best possible way). Just when you thing the story will zig, it zags, and you truly go back forth about the characters and their intent.

Just when you think Alicia is innocent, you are led to believe she's guilty, and then innocent again, and this goes back and forth throughout the whole novel. You also begin to wonder whether she is stable/unstable or just plain likes playing games with Theo's mind as time goes along. Michaelides has you second guessing all that you know about the story left and right during the second half of the book, and until the last several chapters of the book you you have no clue just how messed up everything is... ESPECIALLY Theo...

And speaking of Theo... He is one DARK and TWISTED dude by the end. If you think his thoughts towards his wife cheating on him and his actions towards this are twisted, just wait until that last bit of the book...