arguemore's reviews
478 reviews

Drowning Mermaids by Nadia Scrieva

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The story was told properly, and didn't have any hitches... Until someone decided to be an asshole all for the sake of love. There were also some parts that dragged, but it's still a perfectly nice book. I just couldn't handle all the yelling, and the asshole. I've been dealing with assholes (both fictional and non-fictional) since last night, so I really need to take a break from the stress this book is causing me.
Mere Temptation by Daisy Harris

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So, apparently the characters are adults now but the way it was juvenilely written seemed like they were still teens. The transitioning was somewhat off as well. A thing would happen and then another thing would happen suddenly, like wasn't this character doing another thing? How'd he or she get there so fast?
Grooves: A Kind of Mystery by Kevin Brockmeier

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Accidentally deleted my review for this so I think I might have to read it again anytime soon.
The Lord and the Mermaid by Bernadette Rowley

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It had a pretty solid plot to it. Quite different from most of the mermaid stories. An enjoyable read.
Siren Song by Stephanie Draven

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Expected so much more, to be honest. I was alright with what was already presented. I just wish there was more. It's also kind of a cliffhanger. I wanted to see what happened with the other siren.
The Last Siren by Lizzie Lynn Lee

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3.5 stars.

I absolutely loved the concept and how everything went about. I wish there would have been more of a discourse about the emotional development of their relationship, but alas the focus was on the carnal side. Despite it being only quite short, it did not have a problem making an impact on me, the reader, which I greatly admire. The lore was rich and shone through the book. The characters were as real as they could get, and there was never a dull moment. A nice read.
The Mermaid's Pearl by Brooke Kennedy

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"Raewyn was tougher than your average mermaid princess." Now that sentence alone should have been enough cause for me not to delve in deeper because I could never take mermaid princess stories seriously, but I gave this book a chance.

I had a lot of expectations for this book, and sadly they were never met. I wish I could report that what I found was better, but sadly it was not. I was not a big fan of the mysoginistic undertones, and the characters were predictable and quite annoying. It was as if this story was written by an unseasoned Wattpad writer. Their so-called love was not developed properly and was too fast and most of the characters' actions didn't make sense or were just plain shallow. I did not even finish the book.

I was intrigued by the premise, but the execution could have been better.
Siren's Serenade by Dominique Eastwick

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Nothing was amiss and the story was written surprisingly well, simple as it was. I wish they could have given more emphasis on how Serena felt and not have made it expressed pettily. It was mostly focused on the guy, which I get, but I wish there could've been more well-placed angst somewhere in there. As a reader, there really wasn't a long-lasting empathy that was triggered within me by the characters and I guess that's just what this story lacked.
Wanton Little Mermaid by Sandra Heath

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Too good to be true but nevertheless enjoyable. Quite fast-paced and predictable. Would've enjoyed it better if it wasn't just a novella.