arseniclime's reviews
43 reviews

Light and Shadow (The Adventures of Peter the Pirate Cat, #1) by Nanoeshka Vervoort, Michiel Van Rompaey

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Well, since I wrote the book I obviously like it. But I don't like it solely because I wrote it, but also because my kind friend illustrated it and together we made something happen. I always said I wanted to write a book, just because one can do anything one sets their heart to, and I did. So it's more than just 'my book' to me, it's a way to remind myself that one can set goals and reach them, you just have to believe. But the book itself is also good obviously :p
It's a light hearted childrens story, and it might be apparent that English is not my main language, but I think I pulled it off. So I hope others like it too :)
You can always get a signed paperback copy via my website, or find it via your favourite ebookstore.
Confessions of a Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella

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pretty light read. don't expect awesome storylines for they are pretty thin. the main character is so one dimensional at times it might get a bit frustrating for some but it didn't bother me as much. if you go into it reading it like a quick in betweener you won't be let down.