artytytyty's reviews
90 reviews

A Strange Loop by Michael R. Jackson

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Imagine Rent, but unashamedly black and truly authentic to its message. A Strange Loop, although it's about the specific experience of a fat gay Black man who is an aspiring Broadway composer, has so many points that one can relate to. I am not a gay Black man, and hence cannot speak of that side of the experience, but being able to find small things to relate to, like Usher's struggle of trying to stay true to his own artistic authenticity while trying to please his family who has paid for him to be in New York is a big point of empathy for me. Add in the layers upon layers of racism, homophobia, self-deprecation, and ultimate abstraction, and you still can't quite get A Strange Loop, because it os honestly much more than that and I still can't quite wrap my head around it. BUT DEFINITELY READ/LISTEN!!
Eurydice by Sarah Ruhl

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It's about innocence, discovery, love in its purest way.
Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare

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"Caesar, now be still
I killed not thee with half so good a will"
BLKS by Aziza Barnes

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Stories of chosen family just hit different.
Paradise Now: Collective Creation of the Living Theatre by Julian Beck, Judith Malina

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"The Revolution is based on love"
"Free theatre. The theatre is yours"
The Zoo Story by Edward Albee

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"I don't know what I was thinking about; of course you don't understand. I don't live in your block; I'm not married to two parakeets, or whatever your setup is. I am a permanent transient, and my home is the sickening rooming houses on the West Side of New York City, which is the greatest city in the world. Amen"

Genuinely one of the greatest stories about class struggle ever told. Also a very good introduction to absurdist theatre!
A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams

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It's a good play I guess idk, I guess Tennessee Williams knows what he is doing.

They all need serious help :)
Dionysus in 69 by Robert Adams, The Performance Group, Richard Schechner

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"Gods aren't exempt from anything. They just have more power. As for the rest of you, I condemn you to forget what's happened here tonight. We are going to visit other cities. We are going to bring doom and blood and death all across the United States. Good evening, motherfuckers!"