artytytyty's reviews
90 reviews

The Pillowman by Martin McDonagh

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"They have loved you and tortured me for seven straight years for no reason other than as an artistic experiment, an artistic experiment which has worked. You don't write about little green pigs anymore, do you?"

Warning: contains explicit descriptions of violence, torture and murder, allusions of sexual assault
The Acid Test by Anya Reiss

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Interesting story. Unnecessary racism. The characters are all genuinely horrible people except for Jessica, like I actually kinda hated them, Jessica deserves everything though. The dynamics between the friends as well as the father daughter dynamic was intriguing though.
Dutchman by Amiri Baraka

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Lula: "I lie a lot. it helps me control the world."
Camille by Charles Ludlam

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"My good man, if I were to begin to take care of myself, I would die. Don't you see that it is only the feverish life I live that keeps me alive? The moment that I am no longer amusing to people, they leave me, and the long days are followed by longer nights."

I had read "La Dame aux Camellias" a few years ago, and returning back to it with this play brought back so many feelings. Marguerite Gautier makes me very very sad. I think the reimagining of the main love story as a damned love story between a man in genderfuck drag as Gautier and another man is quite interesting, would LOVE to see a performance of this.
Persona 5, Vol. 3 by Hisato Murasaki

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I really enjoyed yusuke's development throughout the manga, was a very quick read