ash_the_cryptid02's reviews
14 reviews

Dig Two Graves by Gretchen McNeil

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Meh. The twist was unexpected. Just really slow with not alot of payoff. The writer is really good at painting pictures though. I felt like I was in the scene at times. The main character was pretty cool, although a little one-dimensional at times, you really were rooting for her.
The Honeys by Ryan La Sala

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The ending wasn’t super satisfying, but rest of the book was so amazing I didn’t even care. I’m a genderfluid person and Mars is the best representation I’ve ever seen. It made me emotional everytime he spoke about his gender identity because I could relate so much. But, it wasn’t his whole personality either and that’s important. It’s a big part of him, and it’s a big part of his story, but there is SO MUCH more to Mars, and to The Honeys. You just really wanted to learn what was happening in Aspen, it’s so, so intriguing and mystical. But just a warning, there is alot of gruesome deaths, and they can be described pretty graphically at times. Now, please go read this book!!