ashleigheva's reviews
60 reviews

Before the Coffee Gets Cold by Toshikazu Kawaguchi

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the insightful descriptions of the setting really helped with establishing the atmosphere. nonetheless the language felt a little clunky at times, but the plot was compelling in ways i did not expect. even looking back i wouldn't have expected myself to be emotionally affected by the narratives explored and yet in the moment i felt the way i did, and man did i cry. i'm really happy that i had the chance to read this book and i'm looking forward to reading the sequel :-)
also i'm really curious to learn more about kazu, i really like her character
Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom

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a really great insight into life and the lack of it
so many good ideas were shared, i'll definitely have to re read this one day to fully grasp them all~
the story definitely resonated deeply with me, seeing as i finished half the book in one sitting and stopped because i was so emotionally distraught that i couldn't bring myself to continue reading haha. definitely a case of the timing just lining up with my life and how i was feeling at the moment
it took me a good while to muster up the courage to be open to the prospect of being emotionally vulnerable again and i ended up finishing the rest of the book eventually :-)
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K. Rowling

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i stayed away from this series because fantasy isn't really my cup of tea but this was so thrilling!
This Time Next Year by Sophie Cousens

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okay it's more like a 3.25-3.5 than a solid 3
but in spite of the handful of issues that i couldn't get myself to overlook, the book is still really enjoyable!
definitely an easy read, i didn't want to put it down and ended up finishing it in one sitting so that was definitely a pleasant experience :-)

i usually end up attributing characters in books to faces of people i already know as opposed to coming up with entirely new ones based on the descriptions within the book
and for me, the entire time i visualised quinn as louis partridge bahhaha

it's 5:21 a.m. because i just finished reading this so i'm a lil too hammered to show any sign of eloquence or perceptiveness in this review so anyways
i think my biggest takeaway from this is that i'm probably going to name my child (if i ever have one) quinn oh gosh
Turtles All the Way Down by John Green

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there's this undefinable feeling that i get sometimes? it's a flurry of melancholy, deep sadness, hopelessness and hope
i can't put it into words so everytime i come across music, paintings, books, words and anything really that sort of encapsulate that, i take note of it
the ending of this book felt just like that
i think it's something about the lack of closure, in all of its glory, its pain but also its infinite hope
this book felt like an ally
it feels nice to have someone on your side :-)
After Dark by Haruki Murakami

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i think i'd give it more of a 3.5-3.75?
honestly a good book i don't really have a lot of faults with it
the language seriously blows me away, what a gem
the lack of closure in the ending combined with the direct reference to the cyclical nature of patterns of the sun made for a pretty intriguing ending that in any other context might have made me otherwise feel dissatisfied with how nebulous this book tended to be
here's to my first read of 2021, we're off to a great start :-)
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling

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mAN i feel like i'm pretty selective with 5 stars and s-tiers, and i often feel pretty iffy about giving them
but with prisoner of azkaban there's somehow no shred of doubt in me that it is worthy of that rating to me haha
i enjoyed this so much!! somehow even the "draggy" parts that were there to set things up were still extremely enjoyable
i'm glad that this was my first physical hp book
and i'm currently holding my copy of goblet of fire that i just bought because i don't want to wait to see what happens next :")
A Step Towards Falling by Cammie McGovern

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brO the elitist in me feels ashamed to admit how much i enjoyed this book bUT SERIOUSLY I ENJOYED IT SO MUCH
as much as i am an absolute romance glutton, i was so glad emily and lucas' relationship wasn't cranked up too much; a perfect balance was struck
but mAn i enjoyed this so much
one huge issue i have tho: the synopsis
holy crap the synopsis really doesn't do this book justice at all
not that this book is groundbreaking, more so that the synopsis is that bad lol
also not necessarily a bad thing but just that on a personal note, i don't understand why the book is titled what it is hm