asmallbat's reviews
38 reviews

Inside Out by Lor Gislason

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An entirely interesting lil book! I very much so enjoyed the anecdotal style of writing, going through different people's accounts in order to piece together what is happening and how it's effecting society. The horror of the book itself was great! I found it very unique, yet relatable. I also think the author did a great job of capturing realistic human personalities, as can be quite clearly related to attitudes about our current pandemic.
Phantom Pain by Ruth Anna Evans

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The concept was interesting, but the overall writing didn't appeal to me. Since it was so short, there was a lot of telling rather than showing how the main character processed things. There was also an odd part towards the beginning implying that one of Lisa's students was being abused? But she didn't question or care about it at all, which made me pretty instantly dislike her.

Overall though, I can't fault a short book for not elaborating on things. If you want a quick and easy, gross and gore-y body horror that examines body dysmorphia and beauty standards, this is for you.
I'm a Therapist, and My Patient is Going to be the Next School Shooter: 6 Patient Files That Will Keep You Up At Night by Dr. Harper

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Are you a fan of the concept of the jaded police officer, who doesn't play it by the books? Who breaks all the rules in pursuit of justice? ...But also have a nagging voice of reason telling you that a rogue cop is a terrifying and dangerous idea? This book is for you.

Dr. Harper breaks basically every professional guideline in order to pursue their own Sherlock-esque deductions. As a psychologist, they know that this is wrong, but they're still human. They know being a rule abiding robot of a doctor won't help anyone. Obviously, this isn't to be imitated, but Dr. Harper was a fascinating character to follow through these similarly fascinating tales of psychological extremes. Not to mention that this book is absolutely GRIPPING when pieces start pulling together. (Also, it's queer. Bonus points because the romance is really genuine.)