astukes_close's reviews
298 reviews

The Eight by Katherine Neville

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A real thrill ride. Very well written with an unexpected ending.
The Fire by Katherine Neville

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I was extremely disappointed by this book. It was such a slow read that once the action and twists in the plot happened, I was ready to put the book down. I suppose it was a case of "too little too late".
Even the end of the book left so many unanswered questions and open storylines that once i finished I was still saying "WHAT???"...

I would not recommend this book as wholeheartedly as I would "The Eight"
Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

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After reading this first book of the Outlander Series, I can understand why it has such a large following. I found that it didn't get interesting until Claire and Jamie actually got married but I suppose the bulk of the text was used as the background story to get to know the other characters that run throughout the entire series. I am definitly rather invested in the characters (Jamie especially) and can't wait to continue his adventure.
Dragonfly in Amber by Diana Gabaldon

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so the second book of the series is not nearly as captivating as the first. If the series as a whole was not so highly recommended, I think that after reading this installment I would not have continued.
Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs: A Low Culture Manifesto by Chuck Klosterman

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I originally purchased this book thinking that the writing style would be more like David Sedaris. The essays were very thought provoking (and MILDLY humorous, and I do stress midly) but was definitely more scripted like an "editorial" to a magazaine or newspaper (which makes sense since this is what the author is more readily known for)
The Monster of Florence by Mario Spezi, Douglas Preston

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Initially I was thrilled to get a copy of this book because I really enjoy the writing style of Douglas Preston, but I must say that this book left me quite disappointed. Too much of the information is repeated at length throughout the course of the book and it reads pretty much like a "dry essay". I don't really care to know that Douglas and Mario shared a cup of espresso at the cafe around the corner or that the cafe was smoky when they both walked in- information such as that was not needed or warranted.

Basically the whole book was a recap of material that could easily be found in newspaper clippings and internet research. For both Douglas and Mario to have been so deeply involved in the search for the Monster of Florence, I am sad to say that the overall "thriller" aspect of the book was lacking.
Little Children by Tom Perrotta

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Very quick read. it was easy to get invloved in the lives of the characters- quite an abrupt ending though...probably could be made into a worthwhile series