athenacomplex's reviews
221 reviews

The Elite by Kiera Cass

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ugh so boring, she’s so wishy-washy for no understandable reason
The Selection by Kiera Cass

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fifth grade relic, much more boring and one-dimensional than i remember
The Rejected King by Kortney Keisel

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short, funny at times, and sweet
Let the Wind Rise by Shannon Messenger

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eh just ok, action scenes were getting boring
Let the Storm Break by Shannon Messenger

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what even really happened? with many of shannon’s books it seems like she says so much to produce such little true action. and the relationship still feels a bit insta-lovey despite how they’ve technically seen each other for years. anyway i can appreciate vane’s dedication for audra.
Stellarlune by Shannon Messenger

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begrudgingly increasing the rating for sophie’s great awakening and only her great awakening

sophie gets less stupid, CHAPTER 42
Unlocked by Shannon Messenger

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skipped the junk to get to the novella, which was much better, albeit still nothingness with a healthy dash of sokeefe

keefe runs again, glimmer, raiding neverseen
Love on the Brain by Ali Hazelwood

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repetitive tropes of tiny girl-big guy and him being mean to her for years but somehow liking her the whole time, least likeable main character of the trilogy, plot holes