atreyib18's reviews
482 reviews

The Moth Keeper by K. O'Neill

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This book was an enchanting journey through O'Neill's beautiful world. Their illustrations never disappoint and this was not an exception. The characters are endearing and you can't help but root for them throughout the book. Every character mentioned has distinct characteristics and I loved how deeply we explored Anya's inner thoughts. We examined her anxieties along with her joys and in this stage in my life, I found myself connecting with her feelings of uncertainty for the future and the fear that a single decision about her career might define her entire life. The blossoming queer romances and friendships were charming to read. 

However, the story felt underdeveloped at times, especially regarding Anya's background. It's possible that this was left unclear for future books but I was confused at certain plot points. The pacing also didn't hit quite right for me and I didn't feel engaged as I was reading. This book had a lot of heart but I found myself wishing for more.