aulandez's reviews
400 reviews

The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson

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I put off reading Sanderson for a while just because the hype scared me away a bit. I've been reading through Wheel of Time and when I needed a break from the series decided I might as well give Sanderson as try, since I'd be reading him soon anyway.

So glad I finally did. What a great book, it really reminded my of the Hundred Thousand Kingdoms by NK Jemisin in the way he manages to fuse a dark atmosphere with a light readability, a fantasy action novel with an intimate narrative style, a sense of breadth an history with immediacy and tension, and integrates romance naturally into a story without it seeming stuck on artificially. It wasn't perfect, some of Vin's character developments seemed to jump forward without the growth being shown, the magic system got confusing at times, and the ending that everyone loved so much was, indeed, amazing, but felt like it tied relatively little up. Those flaws can easily be excused as long as the rest of the series keeps up the great overall presentation he achieved here. Don't know why I waited so long to read him, but I definitely won't wait long to continuel.