babsthebatgirl's reviews
352 reviews

My Fight / Your Fight by Ronda Rousey

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I have never been so inspired by a memoir, and so awestruck by another human being. To say Ronda Rousey is my hero is an understatement. She is an impeccable human being, and completely unapologetic about it. In a world that attempts to limit and stifle, Rousey gives it the finger. In a society where woman are constantly undervalued, questioned, and brushed off, she refuses to be ignored. She will never say she is sorry because she isn't. If you do not like who she is, get out of her ring. I can only hope to be a fraction of the amazing woman she is someday. 
One quote in particular stood out to me. In the chapter titled "When do you cross the magical boundary that stops you from dreaming big?" she wrote... 
"People talk about how I'm so arrogant. They don't realize how much work went into getting where I am. I worked so hard to be able to think highly of myself. When people say 'Oh you're so cocky. You're so arrogant.' I feel like they're telling me that I think too highly of myself. My question for them is: 'Who are you to tell me that I need to think less of myself?'"
No one has the power to make you feel devalued, except for you. My life has been a constant struggle of telling myself I am worth the things I want. I am an amazing, capable, and independant person. Anyone who tells me to be less can get bent. Who are you to tell me I need to think less of myself?
Everneath by Brodi Ashton

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I loved the concepts behind this story, but the teen angsty love got to be a bit much at times.