bberee's reviews
73 reviews

It Would Be Night in Caracas by Karina Sainz Borgo

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if i had to describe it this book reminds me of rotten fruits and animal carcass but sm of the province and a touch of dystopian and worry of living in a country bound for destruction bc of its corrupt government and full of its ppl who are just trying to survive. this book is reminiscent of being a filipino. also i’ve been loving a good hispanic book lately !! perfect for the summer, utterly devastating and raw.
Anon Pls. by DeuxMoi

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i love camp😊 i need this turned into a romcom NEOW!! amazon prime get on it😭😭😭😭
The Vegetarian by Han Kang

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was EXTREMELY hard for me to go through but it showed me that a satisfying ending doesnt have to be a violent one.. if that makes sense. kind of seemed like yeonghye saw enlightenment towards the end
Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata

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murata wrote abt a seemingly mundane and simple corner of life into something interesting. despite its bland plot i enjoyed it. i
The Chalice of the Gods by Rick Riordan

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i laughed i cried and did everything in between. arguably one of the BEST pjo books out of the whole riordanverse. 
Tokyo Ever After by Emiko Jean

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im so so in love with this book !!! im a sucker for romcoms and this is basically everything i’ve ever wanted in a romance. 

it had so many lovable characters and i could actually say that izumi is one of them. in any normal teen romance book, she wouldve been written in a “not like other girls”, internalized misogyny generic archetype. emiko jean makes it a point to say that she is definitely a unique, regular teen girl in way that is classy and not annoying, alot of other authors could take notes!!

the romance is CHEF’S KISS!!;&:& it checks all the boxes and the tropes were done FLAWLESSLY and that alone deserves an award.

but, i do i feel like parts of the book couldve been done better. the climax was written in an underwhelming way (maybe bc a friend was hyping up the plot the entire time i read it so i feel like i got spoiled a little) and i felt the plot was also, a bit predictable? 
the ways in which the betrayal was done by yoshi couldve been a bit more tense, in addition to the ending being rushed. i kind of expected akio and izumi to just have screaming match in the rain and akio being like “IZUMI WHAT LETTER😭😭” or maybe thats the cliche in me. but idk i expected more!! i wanted camp and dramatic chasing scenes. but i will say izumi chasing after her dad did make up for it, it was a sweet moment.

overall i love a good romance read and this got me out of a slump!!
The Dangers of Smoking in Bed by Mariana Enríquez

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it explores themes that are borderline disgusting!!! and i loved every second of it!! its rotting and flies buzz around it. it has a stench thats like food left in the sun all day. i loved most of the stories but i hate that most of them were cut short or abruptly for the sake of being suspenseful but it rlly just left me unfulfilled and wanting more. overall i really enjoyed it and i love the background of buenos aires being a recurring theme, just stories that haunt the city and its people. 

stories ranked!!
12 no birthdays or baptisms
11 ramble triste
10 the lookout
9 kids who come back
8 the cart
7 back when we talked to the dead
6 the well
5 angelita unearthed
4 our lady of the quarry
3 the dangers of smoking in bed
2 meat
1 where are you, dear heart
The Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan

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everythings amazing im just mad that leos ending was left like that😞 im a firm believer that leo wouldve ended up so much happier single and realizing that he doesnt need a love life in order to be happy otherwise his whole arc abt being the “seventh wheel” didnt really make sense? but anyway i love nico 💗 and this isnt over i already bought chalice of the gods!!
Schoolgirl by Osamu Dazai

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a little bit too relatable. it was like reading from my own diary!! 
If I Had Your Face by Frances Cha

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i need more!!! oh my god. a book i’d force my kpop-obsessed friends to read. it even made me realize my biases towards korean culture. i love books abt female friendships and this is one of them. i couldnt stop tabbing bc there were so many one-liners and excerpts i couldnt stop thinking of. 

I know that it is only a matter of time before what is in my blood rears its ugly head.

the characters were captivating, i saw each of myself in the 4 women, and reminded me of roles in my own life. only thing i’m mad about is that it’s so short. it left me wanting more.