bberee's reviews
74 reviews

Koyasan by Darren Shan

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tells the tale of a brave and courageous girl. reminded me a lot of coraline and alice in wonderland. this made my 8 year old self happy
The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan

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i was super close to not finishing this but stuck around for the characters. i found the plot a bit repetitive, resembling too closely to percy jackson. it was particularly hard for me to get through bc of the whole amnesia thing and felt slow paced(or maybe im just a slow reader🤭). but the ending did excite me for what the rest of HoO has in store😋
The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan

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loved every second of it!! this was one of those reading experiences where i get to dive deep into the world and storytelling. escapism reads have my heart