beautifulmessreads's reviews
273 reviews

Dance of Thieves by Mary E. Pearson

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I really enjoyed meeting the new MCs and diving back into this world that Mary Pearson has created. Kazi and Jase and fun to follow thru this book and all the adventure that ensues. Like the Remnant Chronicles this book is full of adventure, betrayal, love, mystery and stories. I do suggest reading Remnant Chronicles Trilogy first or this world will be confusing.
Mary Pearson is great at the details and the characters all have so much depth!
Vow of Thieves by Mary E. Pearson

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I finished the Remnant Chronicles by @maryepearson and then of course had to read the duology that came after it! Dance of Thieves and Vow of Thieves.

All of the aspects of the first series that caught my attention and love for the books was also in this series! The adventure, love, deception, betrayal, trust, mysteries, loyalty, ect.

One of the things that @maryepearson does the best is character development! These characters are so deep and personalities detailed. This includes side characters. There is also a lot of things that you don’t know about some of the characters that blind side you and plot twist everything!

This series kept me turning pages quickly having to know what happens next. I will miss this world and hope to visit it again one day!
Meet Me Under the Kissing Bough by Anneka R. Walker, Josi S. Kilpack, Sarah L. McConkie

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This book defiantly put me in the mood for Christmas. I enjoyed reading all about the Christmas traditions in Regency England. Some of the traditions I'd love to start in my little family. The authors in this collection paired well together and although different stories it didn't feel choppy which I really appreciated!
This book includes
Meet Me under the Kissing Bough by Josi S. Kilpack
Healing Hearts for the Holidays by Anneka R. Walker
A Christmas Correspondence by Sarah L. McConkie
If you enjoy reading collections of short stories then this is the perfect book for you! This would be a great book to snuggle up with a blanket in front of the fire this Christmas or one to bring with to fill time between the many festivities of the season.

Thank you to the authors for the complementary copy in exchange for an honest review. These opinions are my own.
The Forgotten Queen by Kortney Keisel

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I don't even know where to begin with this review...
I have loved every one of Kortney Keisel's books in this series, each unique and wonderful in their own way. I appreciate the cohesive feel to the series but it's not repetitive! The Forgotten Queen is the fourth in the series and best if read the other 3 first so that you understand the world it is set in.
From the beginning Marx and S (we'll call her that so I don't spoil anything!) had a great connection. That connection grows as they get to know each other and are forced into things they both didn't plan for. I can't really go into the plot because spoilers... just know it's fant-stinkin-tastic!
I can tell you about my feelings about the MCs tho! Marx has such fun humor and a great care free attitude. That man is a catch! Flawed like anyone else but... whew. Book boyfriend anyone? He might even top Drake on my list of fav MC men. He also listen and shows he cares in so many ways. S was so sweet yet also fought hard thru her memory loss. Perfect couple alert! I loved Marx and S conversations as they were full of humor and care. They were so open and honest with each other, it was refreshing!
Kourtney also does such a great job at side characters woven into the story. Elsbeth, Marx personal secretary, is a grumpy teddy bear that intrigued me. Dannyn, Marx sister, was my favorite with her playful attitude... more of her?!? She cracked me up!
Do you like romantic tension (while staying closed door)... this is defiantly your book! Ugh, I can't give away anything, but there are lots of swoon worthy scenes. It might have taken me longer to read because I was rereading scenes!
These words don't even do this book justice and you defiantly need to read this for yourself!
Thank you Kourtney Keisel for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review! These opinions are my own.
My Own Best Enemy by Julie Christianson

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I really liked the second book in the Apple Valley Love Stories. This has to be my favorite of the two so far!
I really related to Emi. She's a rule follower, talks back (in her head) to the fitness instructors, and gives herself goals for the day. I need to take a note from her tho and write down the goals and the notes about them later. I think would be neat to look back on.
This book has so many funny scenes that cracked me up. I probably looked ridiculous grinning while reading. Emi and Brooke has such an incredible friendship (#friendgoals) and it's fun to get an inside view of the friendship. It was also a blast watching Emi stumble thru making a new friend. She's so awkward at times its cringeworthy. Then you have the relationship between Emi and Nash. Their journey is full of awkward moments, misunderstandings, white flags waved, and a rocky start.
This book is a great romcom that is squeaky clean with lots of humor and character development.
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

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This book was so magical! I enjoyed escaping into this world filled of competition, love, mystery, magic and friendships. I never knew what to expect next.

The story was presented in a way I’m not used to and I actually found myself liking it. There were times I felt as if I was walking around the circus and experiencing all the tents and there were times I was cheering on the different characters as I followed them around.

Even tho Celia and Marco are competing against their wishes, the friendship and love that form are fun to watch. The way the book is written you aren’t as connected to their feelings and the deepness of emotions, but it gave enough to cheer them on and want them to win.

It’s so hard to describe this book! I loved it and hope one day will be made into a movie!
Royally Rearranged by Emma St. Clair

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This book I loved from before the first chapter! I always love author notes at the start of books and the little telling a story to begin the story was perfect! The book starts with a dad telling his daughter a love story... we just don't know who dad is.. only mom. At the end we know who dad is and the book ends with the finishing of the bedtime story... perfection!
This book was so unique and I've never read anything like it! Serafina has plans, and they get demolished. This tough princess has so many expectations and requirements to fulfill while her life is falling apart quickly. Enter bad boy. Rafe has always been the Royal Rogue and has had life changing events since he last saw Serafina. I've never like the assumed villain so much! I don't want to give away Rafe's secrets, but he's so strong. These two are perfect for each other and it's defiantly a rocky road for them, an enjoyable rocky road! Their chemistry is spot on, wit is spot on, kisses spot on, tension spot on, connection spot on, care is spot on, and unexpected is spot on!
This is a book you can feel. I felt like I was in the middle of the awkward, fun, sad and laughing! Characters felt like my friends and enemies. I was there in that beautiful castle. Character development and growth I could see with my own eyes and was there cheering them on! I struggled saying goodbye at the end of the book. Well, see you later, because I'll be rereading!
I love Emma St. Clair's Love Cliche series and this one didn't disappoint! I'm pretty sure there was many of the troupes secreted in the book and it was fun to find. When I'd find a new troupe I'd think.... Emma you clever girl you! I'm sooooo happy you did a royal book and you defiantly hit is out of the park!
Thank you thank you thank you to Emma St. Clair for the ARC in exchange for an honest review... so thankful to be on another ARC team for you and am one of your biggest cheerleaders! These opinions are my own.
A Life Once Dreamed by Rachel Fordham

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What a beautiful book! I felt Rachel Fordham’s big heart and it was moving.
In the book Agnes runs from home and starts a new life in the Dakota Territory. Running from her past doesn’t work so well when the past comes knocking. James and Agnes can’t just pick up where they left off because Agnes has changed and holds onto a secret. Their relationship grows as they face many hardships together.
Agnes has such a beaut heart of gold and her care for those around her is inspiring. She might just be one of the top fictional characters I look up to and want to be more like.
“Where you come from matters far less than where you’re going.”
Thank you again Rachel for writing this beautiful book. I’ve loved following your IG and seeing your heart break for those who need loved. Watching your fostering journey is inspiring. I love how you poured out your heart in this book.
Once Upon a Broken Heart by Stephanie Garber

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I loved the Caraval series and so I was sooo excited for this to come out! I was not disappointed and Jacks is still one of my favorites… he is always forgiven by me. That fate just gets into so much trouble and causes craziness but man I am slightly obsessed with him. Reading more of him was so worth reading a book with a cliffhanger…
I really enjoyed meeting Evangeline! She’s feisty and full of determination. How she handles Jacks is perfection. I can’t wait to continue with her story!
I can’t wait til the next book!
Kingdom of Lies by Megan Lynn Rose

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This author did a fantastic job with her debut novel! The world, characters and plot were fantastic.

I like how the world building is gradual. As you read on you learn more and more about how things work in this world and helps better understand the characters. The characters even learn more about their environment.

This has got to be the best done love triangle! I have my favorite but you might have a different one… they are both that great. I love how they all grow and can see the ending with either guy. There is an ending but hoping for a sequel!!!

This book is full of adventure, growth, love, forgiveness, learning, loyalty and friendship.