I thought the twists and turns were intriguing and I didn’t really guess any up until the last second, which I still give props for. I think it portrayed the subject manner well. There was one part that referenced bipolar disorder and how a random character “went off their meds and lost it”. That isn’t accurate unless that person goes into full blown psychosis, which can happen to anyone at anytime. If I went off my meds tomorrow, I’d just be really depressed or really manic (irritable/hyper). So yeah maybe the author needs to clarify or do more research on mental diagnoses before sharing those types of reasonings.
Overall I really enjoyed it. Kept me fully engrossed by the 20% point of the book. Marrs is a favorite of mine, so not surprised I liked this one a lot.
I love this series so much! So many twists and most of them I didn’t see coming. I loved the 3x POV this time. Helped the story move along fast. I honestly didn’t have a presence for any of the POVs over the others. All were well written and highly enjoyable. And goodness, Jackson and Amber just so well written that you just want to absolutely despise them!
🖤Major trigger warning for miscarriage/gore/imagery for miscarriage. If you’re pregnant, you may also not want to read this one in that moment
This was such a fascinating short story. The themes were great. I think the author did well in encompassing the emotions and experiences of miscarriage and used imagery in the characters and plots to visualize those emotions more “physically”(no spoilers!). Super creepy and I loved the religious aspect too. Major cult vibes!
My one gripe is how quickly their relationship progressed. I love this author but this one felt rushed and unrealistic. I mean, still fun to read but it felt like a fantasy world and not a realistic romance.