becbec624's reviews
316 reviews

The Glittering Court by Richelle Mead

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I am personally a fan of the Selection series and I also liked the similarities between this and that. I liked the high class descriptions and twists and turns. The characters for me were all very likable and I cared for them and how their stories ended. I enjoyed Ada and the fact that she stood up for herself and made her future happen again and again. I felt the characters pain and their happiness. My biggest problem with this book was probably the amount of groups and names over such a long book. I almost felt the need to write everyone and every group down just to keep them straight.
Romanov by Nadine Brandes

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I am a huge fanatic of the Anastasia legacy and this retelling gives her a power and side I have not yet seen for her. Brandes’ compassion for the characters and story are clear through the justice she gives them. This book tells the importance of forgiveness and family. It emphasizes the importance of doing things on your own while still having a support system to only make you stronger. I throughly enjoyed this book and could not put it down.
Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi

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The minute I started this book I knew I was in for a long night because I would not be putting it down until I finished it. I found the repetition, crossing out and various other literary tools very effective. These elements made me feel what Juliette was feeling and helped me feel on edge. I had no problem rooting for the main characters and cheered a lot when something good would happen.
Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson

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The beginning was very slow and was very focused on flashbacks. I found the storyline itself a bit misleading since the majority of the book focused on before Wendy showed up in Neverland and then a small portion towards the end was with her in it. I found this retelling interesting and very different from anything I had ever experienced but still recognizable to the original fairy tale. The only thing I have against this book is how slow the beginning was and how fast/rushed the last few chapters seemed.
The Cruel Prince by Holly Black

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I loved getting to experience the world created in this novel. It was interesting and I loved that this other world was not totally separate from the humans. The constant change in how the reader is supposed to feel for each character keeps this book very exciting. I found myself loving the character of Jude as she is smart and will not take anything from anyone.
The Queen of Nothing by Holly Black

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I love the main character in this series. From Jude's strong will and craftiness to her newfound vulnerability she has a depth that is hard to come by. This book had me swooning, gasping and rooting for the characters.
The Wicked King by Holly Black

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A stellar second installment. The expansion on these characters and their journey's is so interesting and keeps you guessing from the first to the last page. I enjoyed this book a ton and could not stop myself from starting the third one right after I read the last page.
A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas

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I adored the love story in this book but I am also a huge fan of romance in general. I love the main character and her fiery personality. The world building lacked a little but for me but I am hopeful to learn more in the next books in this series.
A Heart So Fierce and Broken by Brigid Kemmerer

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I normally am not a huge fan of sequels. I felt conflicted during this book about who I was rooting for. I loved the character development in this book and how the characters seemed to become more sure of themselves. I loved Lia Mara and her story.
Midnight Jewel by Richelle Mead

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3.5 Stars
The way this series is written is very interesting since it tells the same story from different points of view. Because of this, some ideas are repetitive, but the author has created 3 solid characters to base these stories around so that each installment is as interesting as the rest.
I found the beginning to be a bit slow but once the story was established and picked up a bit I really enjoyed it. I enjoyed getting to know Mira's character a bit better and see all the secrets she was keeping.