beckyg1016's reviews
488 reviews

From Girl to Goddess: The Heroine's Journey Through Myth and Legend by Valerie Estelle Frankel

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DNF - stopped around pg 60 b/c I couldn't do it anymore.
I'm sure this book has its audience, but it isn't me.
If you are looking for an analysis of myth and legend that supports the idea that a female is not complete without a male counterpart, that marriage is the ultimate happy ending, that the home and hearth is where women belong - you're going to love this book. If you're looking for a feminist read on the heroine's journey, strong female characters, or ways that women in myth subvert the patriarchy in the ways that they could...this is not that book.
The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin

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For all the ways the premise of a society where the male/female binary doesn't exist could make for an incredibly interesting novel...this was not good. The narrator is offensively sexist and when I wasn't agitated by that I was bored. I finished it, but only because I have to listen to something on my drive to work.