bekahbea86's reviews
406 reviews

Loving Frank by Nancy Horan

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This book annoyed me. It was really slow. The only exciting part was when I found out it was about Frank Lloyd Write becasue I had just learned about him in my Art History class. But then it was all down hill from there. The story was told through the women he had a affair with and I didn't like her at all. Fist of all she left her children to run off with some man. What kind of mother just leaves her children? Then she divoriced her husband to be with this man who wouldn't even divorice his own wife, and she was all about the impowerment of women!! I didn't find her very impowering.
Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer

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I loved that this book is about a criminal master mind instead of the good guy. It is really, really good.