bettiespages's reviews
219 reviews

San Francisco Lost by Lila Dubois

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I finished San Francisco Longing yelling at Christina for making an incredibly dumb decision! And Lost picks up right there. And I was still yelling at her. Luckily for her she doesn't get turned into a skin suit and our sexy hero finds her soon enough to continue the fun. The one complaint I have for this one is how short it felt. I know they're shorter stories but the first one didn't feel short, this one did. I can't wait for the last one to come out so I can read them all in order like it's just one longer book!!
Wild Kisses by Mari Carr

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At this point it's safe to say I am absolutely obsessed with Mari Carr and the whole Collins family!! June Kisses is the next amazing installment in this series. The only thing I could love more about this book would be if she wrote another 100-200 pages. But what can I say I'm greedy!

The characters were so well done, I love friends to lovers romances. And Riley was my favorite of the original series so I loved every glimpse of her and Aaron still madly in love 3 kids later.

This is another great addition to the series and I really enjoy trying to pull out any teasers for the future love stories.
Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body by Roxane Gay

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I have wanted to read this ever since I saw Roxane Gay on the Daily Show and I wasn't disappointed. Her chilling descriptions of her own assault and the aftermath touched a nerve for sure, and I'm sure any other survivor who reads this book will have the same thought. It was a quick read, the short chapters were interesting and she does a great job of interspersing antecdotes with observations
San Francisco Longing by Lila Dubois

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**Warning: this text may contain spoilers** Mistakes were made! I thought I would be smart and wait for all three books to come out before I started reading. But let's be real, that was never going to happen. And now I am going to be positively losing my collective shit waiting for the next book to come out!!
I'm honestly amazed I made it 2 whole days after it released. Lila Dubois is clearly one of my favorite writers in the whole world. I was intrigued by the idea of this story being split over three books. One the one had I love it, cause that's more time in this amazing and interesting world Lila has created. On the other hand NOW I HAVE TO WAIT!! But good things come to those who wait and I will be over here anxiously awaiting the next two books.
First Kiss by Kylie Adams

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Did not age well... Kiki was obnoxious as hell, I kept waiting for her to grow or be something other than vapid as hell...she does not. I don't understand what Fab sees in her other than her tits and why oh why would anyone want to be friends with her?!
A Wanton Woman by Vanessa Vale

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I want to give this a 3.5/5. It was ridiculous, but I the good way that only a truly guilty pleasure can be. The premise is ridiculous and if you picked it up hoping for the next great American novel then you're crazy. But the story was fun, I liked the characters, it was exactly what I had hoped for. A short but fun sexy romp. I got the first one free from Amazon and I ended up buying the next two just to continue the fun.
Chasing Lady Amelia by Maya Rodale

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I've been reading this series backwards, having accidently started with It's Hard Out Here for a Duke. But since the stories are happening basically concurrently it's not the worst thing ever. I absolutely loved Amelia and really felt a connection with her character and the growth she experiences through the story. Maya Rodale is an incredibly talented writer to be able to keep the timelines straight, connect things enough to get hints of the stories all throughout while not giving away too much. I am excited to read the next one (which is actually the first) and then maybe read them again in the correct order! It would be no hardship at all to lose myself again for a couple days in the adventures of the Cavendish siblings