Content Warnings (from Melanie’s review): Talk of loss of a loved one, war themes, use of the G-slur, references to parental heart attack, and abandonment throughout.
I ended up hating this, and I had such high hopes too! But this kept getting more and more deranged the further I got and suddenly the possessive love interest was just uncomfortable. Not that I ever was comfortable though, it is SO alarming how quickly Beck became obsessed with Kenna - I’ve been reading too many insta-love, let’s fuck after knowing each other for 12 hours stories lately and I have to say this one objectively did the worst job at it.
And the daddy kink. Listen, I felt it coming but I thought we were safe… then we hit like 80% and then it hit because of course it did. Same can be said for the spanking.
The characters were extremely difficult for me to relate to as well. This is more of a me problem than a writer problem since it’s not her fault I’m not from a Military family, but so much of this went straight over my head because of that. I will say that Kenna’s dad’s heart attack was handled well and had very real consequences both physically and emotionally, for better or for worse, regarding their relationship. My dad at 3 at the end of last year and this is the first book I’ve read that deals with a parental figure surviving a heart attack, so I appreciate the representation there being done with care as it could’ve derailed extremely fast in the context of the rest of the novella.
Also, why was this written in third person?? This would’ve worked infinitely better as a dual-POV first person piece instead, and probably would’ve helped the awkward writing and unconnectable characters. I couldn’t shake this the entire time I was reading which also contributed to how uncomfortable I was for the story’s duration.
Clearly this wasn’t for me though I see why people enjoy it (most people, actually). If it’s your bread and butter, go wild, my friend.
Pre-Reading Review: In case you haven't noticed, I've been on a novella kick. There is something very rewarding about finishing a piece in one sitting even if it is barely over 100 pages... also, it looks nice for the reading challenge. I promise I'm not cheating.
I tore this book a new one in the notes & highlights, but I will be damned if I won't willingly continue with this series. This worked for me way better than I wanted to admit. My biggest gripe with this novella apart from everything I made fun of of has to be all of the "baby girl" talk. It was quite frankly annoying to me, but I am letting that go.
I'm super glad I decided to start with this before reading [b:Pucking Around|123194693|Pucking Around (Jacksonville Rays, #1)|Emily Rath||100203962] as I do not think I would be nearly as excited about it otherwise. It will probably be a long time before I commit to PU though, I cannot justify a 600-page novel at the moment. That being said, you do NOT have to read this book along with the rest of the series as the author demands. It can be read as a standalone no problem, I assure you.
I wanted a book that would challenge me to step out of my comfort zone since I feel like I have been reading the same books on repeat lately. I have never read a piece before that is told exclusively in epistolary format and I have to say, I am a fan! Since we only seen the letters exchanged between the characters here, a lot happens off-page which I am not normally a fan of; however, it feels like the reader is in the same position as Carrie and David, deciphering these letters and trying to figure out where there marriage went wrong, and that was an engaging detail.
[a:Taylor Jenkins Reid|6572605|Taylor Jenkins Reid|] is now another author I have introduced myself to through one of their short stories/novellas and I have to say: I cannot wait to read more by this author! To create such a complex universe in 88 pages that made me realize in the depths of my heart and soul what love means to these characters, as well as to understand their differing choices as a result of the affair, is a difficult feat that Reid has accomplished with what appears to be ease.
The only complaint I really have is the end was predictable. Okay, maybe I was surprised about SpoilerCarrie finally getting her child, but I was not in the slightest bit off-put by Spoilerher decision to leave Ken and David's decision to stay with Janet. That's okay though, because I found out through this novella that I NEED more books in epistolary format, and that's exactly why I came here - to rid myself of the same book routine I have been in for as long as I can remember.
That being said, I will be back to my niche soon enough.
content warnings (from the author's website): brief mention of disordered eating behavior, mentions of previous bullying and homophobia, underage drinking, references to time spent in a psychiatric ward
this felt really... abrupt and it was uncomfortable to read at moments because of how sudden everything was as a reader, but i guess relationships are like that (especially when you are a teenager) so i can't really complain.
there were moments where the characters felt super out of character. the most egregious example of this is Spoilerduring the fight scene between nick and charlie at harry's party. i know fights bring out the worst in people, but nick dropped a few too many "fuck you's" for me to believe it was really him.
a lot of nick and charlie fans find the whole "why are we like this?" dynamic to be part of what makes their relationship special except i find it nothing besides annoying. this was present in the graphic novels, but not enough for me to mention it until now because my GOD, it is everywhere in this novella. the "not like other teenagers" vibe is absolutely killing me. stop it.
some moments i found endearing still though, Spoilerlike when charlie is going through each of the photographs from nick's disposable camera alone on the train and looking back on their relationship, but this did not have the same charm for me as the graphic novels. in my opinion, nick and charlie work better in the graphic novel format (maybe because it's more familiar??? i'm not sure why), but i applaud oseman for still attempting a novella of them as i do not think it was a failure.
the peek into the future was nice as well, and when the writing slowed down to focus on a single moment, there was beauty to be seen. overall, this was unnecessary in my opinion but i guess i can see why people enjoy it??? just kidding, i can't.