biblio_mom's reviews
585 reviews

The First Phone Call from Heaven by Mitch Albom

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Its about a small-town that their people has been receiving so-called calls from their loved ones from heaven. I did not see hows the end coming and quite surprise how it ended. (tiny spoiler alert) there is a miracle actually happens at the end. You got to read it. The story line is just amazing.
How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie

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From the first few chapters of the book, I felt like dnf-ing it because I hate the font and paragraphing structure so much. Reading this was life listening to somebody telling never-ending stories like there is no tomorrow. There is just no moment to take a breath between titles and subtitles.

But somehow, as usual, my reading ocd is forcing me to keep on reading. So I decided to look up for the audio version of this book. To my amazement, I like it better in audio form which is weird to me as I classified myself as a traditional reader (aka physical book reader).

On top of that, this book has lots of useful tips I can assure you!
Wonders of the Heart by Walter James Skellie

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It took me around 3 weeks to finally finished reading this book. I could say it is hard for me to digest. Too straight forward with choices of words which felt like reading history textbooks. It is just not my kind of read but I wished someday to read something like this with a story-telling format that is easier to read and understand.
Mindfulness Plain & Simple by Oli Doyle

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This book provides the tools, tips & tricks needed to de-stress & de-clutter our mind. Lifelong peace & happiness is closer than we think. By taking just a few minutes out of our day & making the simple but dramatic shift into the present moment, we will find more focus, effectiveness & clarity than we ever thought possible.

Some of us often assume that living in the moment without being lost in stories of the past will inhibit our ability to learn from past experiences & plan for the future, but this is simply not the case. We allow the mind's stories of the past contaminate our entire lives without necessarily learning much at all. We CARRY AROUND pain, suffering, grudges & fear, sometimes from things that happened decades before. For me, its OK to remember & learn from the past but DO NOT DRAG the anger & thoughts that create suffering long after the event. ☝

How to Attract Your Ideal Mate by Linda Georgian

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I'm glad i came accrossed this book bought it. It worth a million bucks more then what the price was. Though i think i have met my soulmate, what i love about this book is it teaches one to grow as a person, how to gain strength to heal spiritually emotionally so one can learn to listen to, trust follow their own intuition.

By doing those, inshaaAllah one can attract anything they want, including their ideal mates.
Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson

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A short story using mice as characters. Easy read. I just cannnot understand the hypes people been telling about this book.
Shades of Hope: A Program to Stop Dieting and Start Living by Tennie McCarty

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Non-fiction that uses story-telling formats of writing. I like it and it has diet plans as well. Would like to re-read in future, maybe to change rating. Not sure yet.
Hattie Ever After by Kirby Larson

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Historical fiction juggled up by some facts.
Young woman had limited options in the early 1900, yet girls like the 17 years old orphan Hattie, not only survived, they thrived.

Spoiler alert : after being cheated by Ned, conned by Ruby, struggling life, she is finally happy and most of all, married, with Charlie. Awh!