Weirdly slow for such a short book. Luckily the relationship dynamics are much better than in the other book set in this world, but the book as a whole is also a lot less fun and readable. The main character has a decent arc. The Rapunzel stuff is integrated creatively and fairly subtly, which is what I would expect from Gail Carson Levine. The oppression plotline is heavy handed but fine. Overall, not Levine's best, but it still had good moments, especially near the end.
Very fun dragon book. Temeraire has definitely entered my list of favorite dragons. I am super interested in how this alternate history is going to play out over the course of the series. I wish there were gay people, but I'm sure they'll turn up. It's a nine book series, after all.
Unfortunately much worse upon a reread as an adult. The romantic relationships in this book are very questionable and I wonder why Levine made any of those choices because they were entirely avoidable. Addie also feels extremely juvenile for the first chunk of the book (more so than makes sense for her character), which REALLY doesn't help with the eventual romance. Lots of great scenes, though, and an easy and fun read.
Stephen Graham Jones writes tension so brilliantly. He builds terror and suspense in a way I haven't quite encountered before. This novel follows several different characters as a terrifying series of deaths takes place, but that description also doesn't do it justice at all. The events of the book happen as a consequence of an ill-fated hunting trip that four Blackfeet men went on several years ago. They killed a deer. When the book starts, one man is dead, two are still living on the rez, and one has moved away and is living with his white wife and their dog. And something is hunting them and the people close to them.
Never before have I so sympathized with an antagonist in a way that was so intentional to the story. Never before have I been simultaneously so afraid on a character's behalf and so satisfied with the tragic fate that befell them.
The ending was perfect.
It got kind of bogged down in the middle section (in the transition from Lewis to the other characters), but otherwise I have no real complaints.
I will be thinking about this book for a long time.
Give Jane Walsh a proper editor and some better cover art and she will be unstoppable. This is my second book of hers and despite some sentence-level errors and a couple other minor issues, I really enjoyed it. It wasn't as centered on the romance as most historical romances are, but I still found the love story satisfying and rooted for the characters all the way through. The non-romance plot was a fascinating homage to Jane Austen in many ways, with strong elements of Pride and Prejudice and Persuasion in particular threaded throughout. Loved the way that Arabella's art was incorporated. Love that we met some other lesbians and set them up to have their own books without developing them very much yet. The epilogue could have been set up better but was still satisfying. If you like sapphic historical romance and haven't read anything by this author, you absolutely should.
Fun sweet gay palette cleanser of a book. Wished there had been a few more scenes with Vivi's extended family and a couple other things. Definitely lacking in a couple elements but still very enjoyable. Would recommend.
Almost as good as The Rise of Kyoshi. Such an interesting look at this world, filled with compelling characters and driven by a compelling plot. It also sets up the sequel well, so I'm hoping it will be a satisfying duology. F.C. Yee continues to be the most creative writer who has worked in this setting. I especially continue to love how much he explores the options of what can be done with specific bending styles. This is also the most development we've ever gotten for water tribe culture, which is wild considering how many previous main characters have been water tribe.