blakeaustin's reviews
56 reviews

Off Season by Jack Ketchum

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Takes about 100 pages to get good and pick up the action, but once it does pick up, it never stops. Brutally violent and disturbing. Not for the the faint of heart.
The Waste Lands by Stephen King

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One of the best fantasy books I’ve read and easily my favorite in the series so far.
Wizard and Glass by Stephen King

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After the fast-paced and thrilling The Wastelands, it is just absolutely bizarre how King chose to bring the momentum of the series to a DEAD STOP with this one by dedicating almost the entirety of this book to Roland’s flashback story. It was so jarring and unexpected that it made it extremely difficult to get through the first half of this book.

That being said, Roland’s story is absolutely incredible and heartbreaking and one of the best fantasy stories I’ve read in a long time. A lot of people consider this the best book in the series, and I understand why, but I just have to throw a little criticism at the way it just slams you into a brick wall and totally throws off the flow of the series. Plus, when you DO get back to the main story, you’ve almost completely forgotten what was even going on. I found myself turning to the Dark Tower wiki more than once for refreshers during the end of this book.

I did love this book, but it definitely has some flaws.