Had I not needed to read this for my A-Z book challenge I absolutely would have DNF’d.
This is the classic case whereby the core principle and themes of the book held such high promise. The approach of women being silenced and controlled had so much potential which is the only reason I’m not rating as a 1 but the rest of the book was an absolute flop!
Firstly the actual writing style did not work for me, despite the faster paced nature of the plot - the writing incredibly clunky and regularly went off on tangents making it such hard work to actually push the core storyline along. It felt like having 6 conversations at the same time!
After the first 20% or so I found myself disliking pretty much every single character including the MFC which didn’t help at all. The cheating and pregnancy felt wrongly romanticised for the MFC as well as this idea that she would debate leaving her kids … I just didn’t enjoy her at all.
Another issue I had with the writing is often the same point was rehashed out constantly without any real development which made it feel really one note. Whilst other moments which could of had stronger longer lasting impacts on the characters and their stories felt almost brushed over - like the neighbours suicide attempt or finding out her husband is supporting the resistance.
The plot itself was okay but the ending felt really rushed and actually in the end felt like the MFC action/active contribution to the end resolve was practically none existent.
Clearly this author is not for me and personally I’d advise anyone with this on their TBR to cross it off as it’s absolutely not worth it.
Before all else, I have to commend Hadley Vlahos for the vulnerability she has shared in this memoir. Beyond the impact of patient care has had on her development as a person but on much more personal experiences.
I will say I don’t think I was as emotionally hard hit as some other reasons but perhaps as I am not a spiritual person per se maybe they didn’t resonate with me as much.
A solid memoir in the stories told though they all follow very much the same pattern which I suppose is to be expected - but I had hoped for a bit more depth on the patients themselves perhaps and less of the ‘life lesson’ and spirituality around death.
Glad I finally got round to listening and is worth a read though can’t see myself picking up again in future.
Similar to their other book Thornhedge, this applies such a great twist on the classic fantasy fairytale characters that I really admired and enjoyed.
The premise itself was very clever and the characters themselves were loveable and provided a great balance of humour and intrigue throughout.
The only reason I can’t rate higher than 4 stars is though I really enjoyed Marra’s character, I wish she had a more active role in the final conflict as she fell very much on the sideline - though this does make sense for the plot just feel a bit flat as the main protagonist.
Overall a very enjoyable read and would definitely see myself reading again and recommending as a great little standalone.
As my third Alice Feeney book I can say though I did really enjoy this read, it isn’t as gripping or dark as her other books which was a shame.
That being said, Alice knows how to create the air of mystery and once I got my head wrapped around the different POVs and trying to work out how they intersect and was happy to say I didn’t guess the twist which is ideal for a mystery.
Though the ending did feel a bit lacklustre and would have loved something a bit sharper… I always really enjoy how Alice writes her characters and their emotional conflicts. So whilst this may not have been the plot for me, I will definitely be keeping an eye out for her other work.
Really disappointed in this read to be honest. The first 30% was slow, dull and only started to pick up the pace at around the 33% mark at which point I decided rather than DNF I would push through in hopes the story would improve… it did not.
My main issue with this book is that I did not enjoy a single character in this book. Elin - the main character was frustrating and didn’t really develop or grow in anyway. All the other characters were also incredibly one note and unlikeable in a way that I don’t believe was always the intention.
For a mystery, I felt like there was no build of tension and characters felt like they were dropped and forgotten to only be picked up again when convenient to tie up loose ends.
Overall the book gave the impression that the author was making it up as they went along without a clear idea on how it would end - leading to an ending that I didn’t care for.
The rape, abortion and revenge plot and then flagging the sanatorium history as pretty much a red herring - felt clunky and rushed. For me it felt as though the author just picked shocking themes and threw it in at the end for shock over a well throughout out or clever plot resolution.
Overall, I wish I had saved myself the 400+ pages of reading and DNF’d.
This book had me in absolute fits of laughter from start to finish and will almost certainly one of my favourite reads of the year and a new go-to recommendation for those looking for a light hearted humorous read!
The humour to me is similar to that of the movie Austin Powers - in the kind of ridiculousness and wit throughout.
Don’t let my comparison fool you, though the plot is certainly not one to be taken seriously as a lighthearted humour read, the characters were well developed and interesting and the plot was cleverly thought out.
I would not change a single thing of this book and would absolutely love to see a screen adaption of this. Will 100% be reading again in future and recommending to all my friends.
I really enjoyed the dynamic between Carl and Char-Char as it was just so wholesome and was enjoyable to read develop.
The plot line itself was very simplistic which made for a very easy read but didn’t have enough depth in emotion or some of the sub plots to warrant over 3.5 stars for me.
Having finished this in a day, I think it’s safe to say that the audio book is the way to go.
The writing style is very poetic in places and the humour is captured very well by the narrator. Even with the poetic prose, the storyline is easy to follow as love how the character of Zuleika develops throughout from child to young bride to socialite and consort.
I will say something that took me out of the story a bit is the clash and contrast of the historic story setting and a lot of the modern day dialogue which I think is clearly the style of the author. Whilst this did provide some light humour, I don’t think it’s my preference in this context.
Finally glad I got round to reading this book and surprised I meant I should read it in just one day! The story is incredibly fast pace which made it both gripping and very enjoyable.
Something I really enjoyed about the fast pace writing style is how key bits of information are woven throughout the story in a way that was subtle enough to maintain a balance and mystery without giving away too much on.
Whilst I didn’t think there was anything overly special about the characters themselves, the emotional reactions and interactions they had were very very realistic particularly the PTSD signs in part two of the book.
My only criticisms with this book is that I didn’t care for the romance subplot between Rachel and Pete as it felt a bit incestuous - even though they aren’t related… the fact that the possible pregnancy at the end would lead to a baby being both a half-sibling and cousin of Kylie left me feeling grossed out by it.
In the second half of this book, I also found it a bit difficult to navigate the plot as the story divers from backstory of the chain to present day. Had this been written in a clear way I think I would’ve enjoyed the backstory element a lot more.
Truthfully the final chain reveal was a bit predictable given the foreshadowing and multiple POVs before however i didn't mind this so much as it created a sense of tension knowing the 'villains' before one of the main POVs.
Overall Part one on its own could have easily been a 5 star read (excluding the romance) but the ending writing style felt a bit more clunk. That being said the plot itself was really interesting and can see myself recommending this read and rereading in future.
After seeing this book being hyped up online I was excited to read however left feeling a bit underwhelmed for the majority of the book.
In fairness, I do often find YA books a bit hit or miss for me as perhaps I’m not the target demographic. That being said the plot of the war of the gods and mythology stories really intriguing.
Sadly where the book struggled for me is the core drive of the book - the romance between Iris and Roman. Meant to be a rivals to lovers trope, I felt that we never really established the rivals element enough on both POVs to warrant any interest for me to route for their romance.
I felt that the romance is the core of the book whilst the more interesting plots of the missing brother and the war felt very secondary and I wish this was the other way round as I found myself disengaged a lot of the first few parts of the book.
The ending did actually have me gripped and left me wondering what happens next, but I think overall I’m so disinterested in the core romance of this book and more in the fantasy war itself that I don’t think I’ll be picking up the second one.