book_scent's reviews
1011 reviews

First-Time Caller by B.K. Borison

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Awww, what a cute & heart-warming story! This is the kind of rom-com I love to get lost in.

The premise and setting were fun and the family dynamic on Lucie's side was adorable. It was refreshing to see characters with emotional depth that didn't fall victim to the miscommunication trope. I liked watching them talk to each other, grow together, and bring the other out of their shell. Lucie & Aiden had great chemistry from the start, their interactions made me actually giggle a few times - how I wished for their radio show to be real.

I loved getting both perspectives, learning about both backstories and circumstances at the same time as Lucie & Aiden were growing closer and more trusting of one another. It helped me get invested early on and I was rooting for them pretty much from the beginning.

This was my first B.K. Borison book and I'm now eager to read more from this author!

Deep End by Ali Hazelwood

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I picked up Deep End on a whim, since I wasn't really in the mood for anything specific - and wow ... I did not expect to get sucked in like this!! If it wasn't for sleep & work, I could and would've easily devoured this book in one sitting.

How this whole thing between Scarlett and Lukas started felt a bit clumsy & weird at first, but a few chapters in that was all forgotten: the slow burn and the build-up of tension and chemistry was intoxicating. And while certain parts weren't my cup of tea, I couldn't get enough of their heart-pounding scenes together.

What caught me a bit off guard at the beginning was how different Lukas was from what I've come to expect these kind of love interests to be. He was so direct, so no-nonsense, and I really came to appreciate that - especially his dry sense of humor, haha.

I was waiting for some silly drama to arise, and there were a few moments where it could've easily turned that way, but for the most part I was pleasantly surprised. Well, there was one dreaded twist that popped up towards the end and annoyed me a bit. Other than that, I really enjoyed the overall story and have a feeling it will stay with me for a while. 
The Blood that Burns the Winter Snow by Ryan Cahill

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I first read this short story as part of The Advent of Winter and it’s even better than I remembered!

Vars is such an interesting character, so I loved getting this little glimpse into his backstory. A quick & atmospheric read that adds a tiny yet informative little piece to the overall story of The Bound and the Broken.
Of War and Ruin by Ryan Cahill

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 2nd read: 5 stars!

There are no words to explain how epic and incredible this book, this series as a whole, is! It encompasses everything I adore and enjoy about fantasy and reading, and manages to tickle my brain in just the right way.

The character work in this series is simply outstanding. Never have I loved, hated, despised, felt for, or commiserated with so many characters. Usually it's the main characters that make the story, with the odd side characters here and there that capture my heart and attention. But here, I feel some sort of connection to almost everybody, or at least the tiniest bit of sympathy or the need to look deeper. Ryan has a way of making his characters feel so tangible, like they could exist somewhere out there.

The way the story and plot progress from book to book is also so exciting and satisfying. It allows the reader to slowly get acquainted with the rich history of the world, while diving deeper and deeper into brewing conflicts, intriguing mysteries, and compelling relationships. New characters, fractions, and corners of the world get introduced in such a natural and seamless way, it never feels jarring or out of place, it just makes sense.

Of War and Ruin is quite the chonker, yet the engaging quality of Ryan's writing makes the pages fly by in a blur. The action, tension, emotion, and thrill had me, again, engrossed in the very best way, and turning the last page felt like reaching a sudden abyss. I just wanted more.

I loved all the epic battles (chapter 69 has one of my absolute favorite scenes, iykyk), the unexpected twists, the grounding humor & fun banter, and the touching moments. I like to get invested, but rarely do I get overly emotional or cry. Well, here I was again, my eyes stinging, my soul shattering. Even knowing what was coming didn't prevent me from shedding quite a few tears. This series just does it all to me.

And I can't wait to get absorbed into this world again ... and probably destroyed along the way. But that is a risk I'm willing to take! I'M SO READY!!!

1st read: 5 stars!

Oh, my goodness! What a sequel, what a jump in epicness!! What I wouldn’t give to stay in this world, with these characters, a little longer … 
Scythe & Sparrow by Brynne Weaver

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This was, unfortunately, my least favorite entry in the series. The plot meandered, and while I liked Fionn and Rose together, the chemistry between them wasn't as strong. A raccoon turned out to be an unexpected highlight. 
Leather & Lark by Brynne Weaver

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Not as good as Butcher & Blackbird, but still fun! The storyline felt a bit weaker, the pacing was slower, and there wasn't as much killing going on as I thought there would be. However, I enjoyed the fake marriage trope in this one and watching the connection between Lachlan & Lark slowly grow was sweet. Also, shoutout to aunt Ethel - she was hilarious and I would've loved to see more from her. 
Butcher & Blackbird by Brynne Weaver

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What a disturbing, yet fun & addictive read this was! The chemistry between Sloane & Rowan was off the charts, their banter absolutely delicious. The portrayal of Sloane's characters seemed a bit weaker in the second half of the book, but by the end it felt like she'd found her groove again.

There were times when I felt kinda grossed and weirded out by things, only to get sucked back in by the humor, suspense, or emotion.

This turned out to be the genre mix I didn't know I needed in my life, but here we are. I can't wait to delve into the next one! 
Two Twisted Crowns by Rachel Gillig

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Now this was a very satisfying follow-up and conclusion to One Dark Window! The sequel brought the story to a whole other level and made me even appreciate book 1 a bit more.

I loved the deeper dive into the history & mystery of Blunder as well as the focus on more POVs. But what really made the book for me was the storyline surrounding Elm & Ione!! I enjoyed their chapters so much that I kept forgetting (and basically not really caring ^^) about Elspeth and Ravyn, haha.

The ending was bittersweet and worked really well, I liked how everything was resolved and where everyone ended up. I'll be for sure reading more from this author! 
One Dark Window by Rachel Gillig

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I enjoyed this a lot more than I thought I would! It did take me a bit to get into, and I'm not really invested in the love story, but there was something about the mystical fairytale vibes and the fascinating magic system that managed to grab my attention. And the ending is sending me straight to book 2!! 
Of Darkness and Light by Ryan Cahill

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adventurous emotional medium-paced


 2nd read: 5 stars!

This is how you deliver a sequel!!

Of Darkness and Light does a fantastic job of taking everything that made book 1 work so well and amping it up a 100-fold. The world feels more grounded, the scope more epic, and the characters even more real.

Right from the beginning, we get thrown back into the midst of everything. The book is filled with high-stakes, heart-pounding action sequences that make you feel like you are right there with everybody. Having read it before, I (thought I) knew what to expect going in, but it actually did not ease my anxiety or diminish my pain during certain scenes in the slightest. On the contrary, my deeper connection to the characters only added to my worry & distress.

The characters here are some of my favorites in all of fantasy. I couldn't be more invested in their journeys, and friendships, and overall arcs. Not to mention the animal companions that have my heart. Even the side characters feel like real people with their own lived experiences that color the way they react and interact in this world. The introduction of new POVs in this book was very cleverly done and it was so interesting to see how everyone was struggling in their own way, no matter which side they're on.

I loved that we got more viewpoints from the different fractions, which allowed for more insight into the conflict. It not only provided context to both sides, but also helped expand the world and explore new places & cultures in an organic way. The lore and history woven into the story also added more background and dimension to the world.

So much happens in this book, and while the plot, at times, moves along at a break-neck speed, some quieter moments and slower chapters throughout create just the right balance, so it never feels overwhelming.

There's a reveal at the end of the last chapter that shocked me the first time around. Knowing what I know now, it was really fun to see all the little hints along the way, and in general to pick up on clues throughout the book for things to come. I love how there's always more to discover and I already can't wait to reread this book again. But first, there are still 2 more novellas and a book waiting to be read again. God, I love this series!!

1st read: 5 stars!

Oh, my goodness! What a sequel, what a jump in epicness!! RTC :)