booked_by_coffee's reviews
215 reviews

The Paradise Problem by Christina Lauren

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Audiobook was great! I loved the story line. Fake dating/marriages are starting to become one of my comfort tropes! This one had me giggling. I admired Liam and his desire to do what he wanted to do and not what his father wanted. He saw more value in himself and others than his father ever did. 
The Dare by Natasha Preston

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The audio was fantastic. I thorough enjoyed this book! It kept me entertained and on edge. I honestly didn’t predict how it ending would be
Waysider by K.J. Sutton

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Totally out of my normal genre of book. I don’t particular like paranormal books in general but wanted to broader my horizons and this one was done super well. Perfect amount of spooky without it being totally unbelievable. I did enjoy this a lot. 
Crossroads by Devney Perry

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I really enjoyed this one! I love Devney’s Montana romances. Second chance romances are my favorite. West and Indy’s story. They have secretly loved each other since they were kids but it just never lined up. Swoon worthy 
Garnet Flats by Devney Perry

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Least fav of the series so far 
The Two of Us by Taylor A. Torres

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This book. Wow. The ending is what bumped my rating up. I couldn’t put it down. I needed to know the secrets Mara was holding onto and why it was so hard for her to open back up. Ambrose is an angel of a human and a very patient man. My heart broke for Mara and the experiences she faced in her life. Tears were shed. 
Book Lovers by Emily Henry

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I really enjoyed this story! The audio was great. Anything Julia Whelan narrates is just so much better. Sometimes my mind wandered and I zoned out. But it was a feel good story. Such a comfort listen. Like a hallmark movie in my ears. 
Older by Jennifer Hartmann

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I wasn’t sure how I was going to feel about this book. I went in completely blind. Had no idea what it was about. The huge age gap was kind of a turn off for me. I don’t mind age gaps but when a relationship sparks before the main character turns 18, it’s a bit cringy for me. As the story goes on they get older and it’s less cringy. I found myself skimming a lot of the book and wanting to just finish it. I did however enjoy the ending. If you love age gap tropes this one is for me. Sadly I didn’t love it like I had hoped. 
Part of Your World by Abby Jimenez

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I really enjoyed this one! Abby had quickly became an auto buy author for me. The ending of this story redeemed itself non not a super huge fan of third act breakups but I think it worked for this story line. And that epilogue was everything. 
Fragile Sanctuary by Catherine Cowles

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“Wherever Rho was, that’s where I wanted to be. The cost didn’t matter. Because she was my sanctuary. I’d just never realized how fragile it all was.“

I freakin adored this book so much! Anson and Rhodes were everything. Their banter and just raw emotional chemistry was perfect. Mr grumpy didn’t stay grumpy for long. Rhodes and Andson were able to connect on a level neither of them expected to. They had a lot more in common than they assumed of each other. The family dynamic Rho had after her own family was gone, was so special. She had so many people looking out for her who loved and cared about her so deeply. Anson was afraid to open up and be vulnerable with another human being he avoided anything dealing with families like it was a plaque. But Rho entered and it was game over. He was willing to do whatever it was to protect her. Life is precious and you never know what tomorrow holds.

I really enjoyed the way Catherine threw in some mystery elements into the story made me love it all the more. Just the tiny little details like fostering a dog or the kittens didn’t seem important but played a way bigger role in the end. I loved how everything tied together. Now I need Shell and Thea!! Pronto. Please read this. Thank you @catherinecowlesauthor for my advance copies. This book will forever hold a special place in my heart 🤍