bookheathens's reviews
340 reviews

Thrum by Meg Smitherman

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This novella was absolutely a psychological mind f*ck. 

The amount of time it's spent burrowing.. thrumming.. into my brain is intense.
Wing and a Miss by B. Perkins, Aimee Vance

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Love Ryker the rest was 🤷🏻‍♀️
Fallen Academy: Year Three by Leia Stone

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 50%.
Dnf’ed entire series based on this book. I can’t. 

The final straw was coming back from hell into some bachelor pad to immediately be saved by her no-longer-blind-homeless-man-friend who is now some fully-sighted-blue-eyed-winged “guardian angel”.

No. Thank you. Make the tension and conflict something more legitimate please.
Fallen Academy: Year Two by Leia Stone

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The writing is slowly driving me crazy.
Haunting Adeline by H.D. Carlton

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Skipped some repetitive smut scenes that I just wasn't in the mood for, but overall I feel like this story is a lot deeper than people let on.   
Fallen Academy: Year One by Leia Stone

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Reread Review (no original)
3.5 stars

I think I loved this more the first time? I had to keep reminding myself that the FMC is 19. Her inner monologue felt very young, and a little scattered but the pacing is fast and if you're looking for a quick read then this will fit the bill. 
Moving on to Year Two.