Okay these books need to stop having the endings they are having because WTF!!! This has got to be some sort of cruel sick joke!! I was seriously contemplating starting book 6 right away or taking a break because I knew nothing but heartache and pain was to come, but of course I started it right away.
Listen I knew things wouldn't be easy, I mean hello there's like 9 books in the series, but still can Tory and Darius get a freakin break???? And poor Tory!!!
Also why do people on reddit hate her some much? I feel like I have the opposite or unpopular option if you will over there on the Zodiac Academy form because damn. How can someone hate her?? Especially now after she did what she did for her sister and Darius.
Here's where my problem lies. I am completely devouring these books that I forget to update my Goodreads when I am done and then I am mixing up books when I go to write my review.
Let's begin with the ending. Yes, you read that right. That ending!!! WHAT IN THE HELL!!! the sobs that came from me. I was so pissed at Tory yet understood why she made that choice.
Tory and Darius are by far my favorite couple. Sorry to say Darcy and Orion are just meh from me and I find myself wanting to skip their chapters (don't worry I don't). I love them individually but as a couple, again just meh for me, but boy did I pick the wrong couple to love. Their interactions are far and few between and the “slow burn” if there’s a better word for slow I’d choose it especially since they became... you know. Like how the hell am I supposed to ship them, enjoy them, love them if they can’t even be together.
So there I was finding myself joining a reddit group dedicated to this series and I don't know why because it's full of spoilers, but besides that a lot of people don't like Tory. calling her a bitch and saying she's rude. Um hello what???? I love Tory and she has been though a lot so yeah she's guarded and can we talk about how there are 4 men making her and her sister's lives hell, so duh she is like that.
I was just as hooked on book 3 as the first two and I am loving this series so far. I may want Tory and a certain heir together and I am patiently waiting and hoping that happens. I did love her lapse during the lunar eclipse and the photo she sent to Darius I mentally high-fived her. Also I do like Darcy, but I prefer Tory so I do enjoy her chapters more.
devoured this book in one day! Okay now that little flex is out of the way, I am quickly becoming obsessed with the series!
Let's get to the elephant in the room... the heirs. Those b*stards! Listen, yes I am suppose to hate them, yes they are horrible bullies, but let's not pretend like we don't know why they are like that. I get it there's no excuse, but I mean come on. I am enjoying the dynamics of them all and I am so enjoying the Tory and Caleb thing HELLO Party scene, BUT can her and Darius have hate sex or something???? A girl can dream.
Ruthless Fae was also so funny. I was laughing so hard throughout the book.
Still team Vega twins! Still rooting for them in every way possible and I can't wait to see how everything unfolds.
Listen, listen, listen. I saw many one star reviews for this book and many DNF and was apprehensive starting The Awakening, BUT I'm sorry I loved it!! What does that say about me? Who knows. Does this mean the feminist in me wants to jump out and slap me for loving it? Maybe.
The Vega twins, Darcy and Tory I love them!!! Their lives have sucked so much and coming to this academy sucked even more. I felt so bad for them. I love both their personalities too!
The heirs! Those damn a**holes!! I was rooting for them or one of them to be with Darcy and Tory, even though they were awful, BUT the ending!!!! F them all!!!! Secretly I'm still into them. Shh don't tell.
I devoured book one and can't wait to see how this series goes!!! *Sends up a silent prayer the twins get a HEA*
If I'm being honest this book started off rough for me. I am not a fan of 3rd person in a book (but I get why this book was written like that) and it took me sometime to get use to. In the first 30 pages if I had to read Danika's name one more time I was going to scream.
With that out of the way as the book went on I was enjoying it more and more. Bryce I really liked and by the end she became such a badass. Hunt I liked too and I was happy to see them falling for each other.
All in all a good story and I liked some of the characters a lot and some not so much.
This review is going to get deep no pun intended and whoever reads this is going to think "it's not that deep" but bear with me here.
This book pissed me off and I don't know if I liked it or didn't like it at all and that is messing with my head lol. I don't know whether to give it 2 stars, 3 stars or 4 stars. This was my first read by this author and I don't know how she normally writes, but the writing was bugging me and no, I can't put my finger on what it was that bugged me.
I sound like a broken record, but I try not to do spoilers and I can't with this one so spoilers ahead.
Is the kink and the BDSM in the room with us right now? For characters that got together because they are kinky there sure wasn't any.
Honestly what was the point of this book? Like I thought for sure there was going to be drama with his ex since she seemed to always be around and want Lukas' attention all the time, but there wasn't really much drama even when it did happen.
A positive I thought Scarlett was funny so there's that.
I kept seeing this book on Instagram and TikTok so I jumped in without having too much details about the book and I'm glad I did.
I really enjoyed this story and the storyline. I absolutely loved Saeris! I thought she was badass and funny. I of course 100% loved Kingfisher. What can I say I'm a sucker for enemies to lovers and brooding jerks. There were plenty of spicy scenes that I was pleasantly surprised about (I don't know why I thought it was going to be a PG book).
Kingfisher had a wicked, dirty mouth that I immensely loved! Also side characters were amazing!! Carrion I frickin loved him! his personality was amazing and he was hilarious.
Okay no spoilers, but I am conflicted about the ending and that is all I will say. I can't wait for book two!!
So there I was reading a fantasy and my friend asked me, "have you read Flock?" no I haven't so I dived into it blindly. Stupid me assumed it was another fantasy. Yes, let's all point and laugh at me.
I enjoyed Flock and it was incredibly hot! The storyline was good and definitely kept me interested. Sean and Dominic hello!!! I mean I don't blame Cecilia at all. I did enjoy Cecilia's feisty side when she let it come out.
The ending though! I honestly didn't see it coming and can't wait to read the second book.
This is a tough one for me. I do love dark romances and it takes a lot for me to be appalled and I did like some aspects of this book and found a lot of scenes hot, I couldn't look past some of the straight up abuse. I get the consent of the rough stuff, but there were times there was straight up abuse. taking her by the throat and slamming her into a wall. that wasn't it for me. If we could have left out the abuse I would have liked it a lot more.