bookishandbrewsy's reviews
237 reviews

Den of Vipers by K.A. Knight

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I made the mistake of listening to it on Audible while reading it and the accents pretty much took me out. I realize realistically there’s no way they are all posh since they are in the mob but it was a painful listen. With that said, it was um, a book. At least she was a career woman and older than 18.
A Soul of Ash and Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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Did I need Casteels POV. Absolutely. Can I only read his POV from here on out, please. He could read every chapter of Ms. Willa’s diary and I would buy the book. But how are you going to make us wait until Spring for the next one with an ending like that. You really Sprung that surprise on us JLA. And I’m I would like compensation.
Darling Venom by Parker S. Huntington

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You want a cute little enemies to lovers romance? A feel good novel about overcoming tragedy and finding love? You won’t find it in this book. I was not expecting the emotional trauma bonding over shared ptsd, followed by the grief and guilt of moving on. Followed up by the hidden plot twist.. (his dad is totally to blame.. right? His actions led to the uh unaliving, right??) I think I need therapy as much as the characters do after finishing this book. 10/10 would experience the trauma again. Take my money.
My Dark Romeo by L.J. Shen, Parker S. Huntington

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Just wondering what a girl has to do to get kidnapped by my fiancés rival and locked in a mansion. I guess step one is get a fiancé sooo I guess that’s out. Also I don’t know why he doesn’t consider laying around eating and reading a valuable way to spend your time.
Icebreaker by Hannah Grace

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Nate needed to be a little more douchey for us to ever believe he was from Eagle. Rifle would have been more believable and he definitely did not wear enough khaki shorts. Other than that yeah it was a great book.
The Ballad of Never After by Stephanie Garber

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I’ve not known peace since I finished this book. Not a minute, or second of it. When I see an apple I’m triggered. Why is Eva so clueless? Why can’t I just have Jacks? I guess we won’t know until the last book is released and my soul can finally rest.
Finale by Stephanie Garber

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There was a lot of things happening in this book and tbh they should have just let Jacks be king. I’m honestly concerned about the bargain Tella made regarding her daughter. Especially all the angst over her mother’s betrayal. Now that I’m writing it out there was a lot that I’m frustrated about. Still loved the book and would read 19 more about it, probably.
Legendary by Stephanie Garber

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I wish someone would throw a huge party like this so I could win their love. But I can’t even get an rsvp.
Caraval by Stephanie Garber

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If my siblings don’t orchestrate an elaborate murder mystery carnival for me to escape my abusive dad, force me to waste my wish that I won fair and square on their resurrection and get me the best dress in the world, then I don’t want siblings anymore.