bookishobsessedmama's reviews
324 reviews

Play Your Part by Kathryn Kincaid

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3/3.25 ⭐️ 

This was fun, it was a good time.  Hockey romance - there isn’t like a TON of spice, but it’s there. Fake dating, “enemies” to lovers.  Something about it felt uneasy or just unrelatable though. I really didn’t like the FMC - She felt really just bitchy and standoffish to everyone throughout the story. She was absolutely going through a lot and trying to process all of that but it felt like she had so many people trying to be there for her and she was just rude. 

I really loved all the side characters in this - I would be excited to get subsequent books revolving around them. 

It was fun, but i feel like it will probably be more forgettable for me unfortunately but i will revisit the series for future books! 
Just For the Summer by Abby Jimenez

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Oh, Abby Jimenez. 
I absolutely loved this story. I ate it up, and couldn’t get enough of our MCs. I loved their banter. The way they found each other was fun, and cute. Maddie was so much fun, i thought she added such a fun aspect to the story. The growth in the characters was astounding. I absolutely was rooting for them from the beginning and loved the way they both grew together and separately. 

I listed to the audiobook of this and the narration was absolutely excellent. I have found audios for Abby Jimenez books are my favorite. 

While this book has a bright and fun cover - it is so deep and had me tearing up at the end. I was so freaking happy for them. & the epilogue was absolutely perfect for the story. 


“ You can still love someone that you’ve decided not to speak to you anymore. You can still wish them well and hope for the best for them. Choosing a life without them doesn’t mean you stop caring about them. It just means that you can’t allow them to harm you anymore. But if you don’t think your life would be better without them in it, than accept that they have cracks. Try to understand how they got them and help fill them with something that isn’t ice. … If you can choose empathy, always choose empathy.” 
Saving 6 by Chloe Walsh

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I truly thought Johnny & Shannon were my roman empire. I adored them, i loved their story. I loved their characters. I loved their growth. I adored Johnny’s parents. I didn’t see what could top them.  

I adore Aoife. To be clear - i adored her in books 1 and 2, but we truly get to see her sassy, confident, bad ass personality in this book and i just truly adore her. BUT MAN IS SHE BREAKING MY HEART. 
“Because I feel like i’m dying when i’m with you, and I feel like i’m dead when i’m not.” DAGGERS INTO MY SOUL. 

I was so happy that we went back in time - i was hoping we could see their backstory and how we got to where they were. I truly adore Joey even more than i did before too. He’s so broken and i love what Johnny’s parents did for him in book 2 even more now. He needed another Tony and more people making him believe he was worth it. 

Shannon broke my heart even more in this book. 

I am obsessed. 
Are these books for everyone? Absolutely fucking not. Am i absolutely obsessed with them and the characters and their stories? Absolutely fucking yes. 
The Duke and I by Julia Quinn

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3/3.5 ⭐️ REREAD

I will sit on the hill that i believe the books are better than the show. The show leaves a lot out and i don’t feel like portrays every character as the book does. 

Violet is so funny in the book - she’s bold and confident and hilarious. She’s one of my favorite characters in The Duke and I. 

It’s entertaining - It’s exaggerated and not 100% accurate to the time that the book is set, but most books are. 

If you’re interested in reading the books, i would definitely do it! I always wish Julia Quinn would have wrote the books in dual POV to the two the book centered on. She could have still had Lady Whistledown at the beginning of the chapters. But i would have loved getting their thoughts throughout the different aspects of their story! 

The Summer of Yes by Courtney Walsh

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the was such a good read. It focused more on character growth and romance is sprinkled in. From friends to lovers to second chance romance to families and being reuited with your son and husband this truth has everything. I loved Goergina and Kelsey’s banter and just truly fell in love with their relationship with each other. 

The character growth was outstanding during this. Both Georgina and Kelsey became their true selves and fell back in love with their lives by the end of this and i couldn’t have loved it more. 

This engages you from page one and there is a relatable catcher for everyone on my opinion. 

The narration was very well done and i enjoyed the novel to a higher extent, in my opinion, due to the narrators. 
Say You Mean It by Megan Reinking

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I really wanted to love this, I adore the cover (it’s gorgeous) BUT i felt like for a shorter book, it felt like a 800 page book. 

I felt the overall arc of the book was just rather sad. I felt depressed by the end - there was a HEA but i still felt really depressed about the entire thing. Very little happened. It took almost 80% of the book for Graham and Blair to really even romantically admit to the reader or each other. i like a slow burn but there has to be angst and tension built and there was nothing. 

This is also another romance novel that feels more women’s fiction and self realization with the tiniest sprinkle of romance. Even with that growth in Blair i felt her character was really really surface level. I didn’t relate to her - as someone with depression and anxiety you would think i would but it was a struggle. 

It will definitely be a book i will not remember after my next read. 
One Last Summer by Kate Spencer

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3/3.25 ⭐️ 

This was a really strong character driven story - i would say it falls less under romance and more under women’s fiction of a woman truly finding herself and what she wants from her life. 

I didn’t feel Mack and Clara’s love story was very believable - they had a kiss YEARS ago as teenagers and both have been holding out for each other after all these years. Clara hadn’t been back to the friends camp away vacation for 5 years and had hardly spoken to them but her and Mack’s relationship basically picked up where it left off immediately and it just wasn’t believable for me. I feel like the angst and tension between the two that could have been build did build. 

If you aren’t focusing on the romance and more just Clara’s growth it’s extremely deep and has a great story - I unfortunately didn’t like Clara and had a hard time connecting wirh her story. 

Overall, it was an easy read that wasn’t bad wasn’t my favorite either! 
Funny Story by Emily Henry

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i loved this book so much. I completely rate and review on vibes. I don’t care if the writing is not absolute immaculate literature, i like a book that keeps me engaged, makes me fall in love with the characters and just has immaculate vibes and Funny Story is that. almost 400 pages and i could have done with more because i adored Daphne and Miles that much. 

I love a book that has a setting or a plot line in a bookstore and a library. I am a SLLUUUTTT for a fake dating trope so i was kicking my feet when she told Peter they were dating. 

Daphne’s personal growth was top tier. I was so proud of her by the end of the book! I feel like Funny Place really focuses in on just Daphne and Miles. I think my favorite Emily Henry books is where there are less side charaxters that have a lot of page space and more just focus on the MCs love stories! 

WITH THAT - i have never disliked an EH book thus far and i don’t see it starting anytime soon! 

Forced Proximity 
Fake Dating 
Friends to Lovers

I consumed via audiobook & paper copy - Julia Whelan narration mixed with Emily Henry writing is honestly my happy place. I adore the combination. 
A Thousand Sunsets by Kayla Martin

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HONESLTY the way this book just touched me, im not sure that 5 stars is even enough. 

Kayla writes ina way where the relationships, surroundings, love - all of it is TANGIBLE. You’re at the river, in the tent, at the party. You’re watched Sid and Zach see each other for the first time. The writing is captivating and the absolute perfect summer read. 

I adored the Dual POV. I loved the setting - i love the fact that i’m going to get to come back to the Murphy Family because truly i loved them all. There are a lot in this pod of cousins, but honestly i felt each of them had such a destinct personality that it was easy to keep straight who was who. 

I adored the ending. They both followed their dreams but also found each other again. 

It’s steamy, sassy, has depth, alllll the bi representation, family vacation, and insta love (but done well). 

If you want a feel good romance that still has depth this is the one for you! I absolutely will be going back to all of Kayla’s books as they release and cannot wait to return to the Murphy squad! 
Scarlet Angel by S.T. Abby

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4.5/4.75 ⭐️ 

This was absolutely my favorite book of the series thus far. It was soooo good. It had you in the edge of your seat and eager for what was going to happen next. 

Lana & Hadley’s new friendship? lol i love it. She’s basically like a sidekick now and i’m here for it. 

I love love love Logan. Adore him. 

let’s paint the town red in book 4.  🏃‍♀️